Solution Demonstration

2024 K-City Network Solution Demonstration Project


This program aims to apply and demonstrate Korean smart city technologies in cities overseas to build a platform to promote and spread smart solutions overseas and create an opportunity for global cooperation projects.

Project Description

This project will render support for demonstration projects in order to roll out or expand Korean smart city solutions in cities overseas that seek to adopt a smart city approach.

Eligible Applicants

Korean organizations or corporations seeking to access the international market with their own smart solution developed and demonstrated in Korea (consortium with a local institution from a candidate city is required)

Candidate Cities

Cities overseas that are suitable for demonstrating smart city solutions developed in Korea and willing to integrate Korean smart city technologies

Eligible Solutions

Smart city solutions developed and integrated in Korea and aimed at demonstration overseas (services, platforms, or systems either as a standalone solution or as a package)

Scale of Support

Up to two hundred (200) to four hundred (400) million Korean won per project, for within six (6) projects

How to Apply

(Submission period) From 8th of February to 19th of March, by 17:00(KSP)
(Place to submit) The K-City Network Solution Demonstration Program Secretariat (KAIA)
Application documents can be submitted via e-mail
(Submission Method) Submit by email (, see notice below for details

☞ 2024년 K-City-Network 해외실증형 사업 공고문(국문).hwpx
☞ 2024년 K-City-Network 해외실증형 사업 공고문(국문).pdf

☞ Call for Application 2024 K-city Network smart solution demonstration project(Eng).docx
☞ Call for Application 2024 K-city Network smart solution demonstration project(Eng).pdf

Process and Timeline

2023 K-City Network Smart Solution Demonstration


This program aims to apply and demonstrate Korean smart city technologies in cities overseas to build a platform to promote and spread superior solutions overseas and create an opportunity for global cooperation projects.

Project Description

This project will render support for demonstration projects in order to roll out or expand Korean smart city solutions in cities overseas that seek to adopt a smart city approach.

Eligible Applicants

Korean organizations or corporations seeking to access the international market with their own smart solution developed and demonstrated in Korea (consortium with a local institution from a candidate city is required)

Candidate Cities

Cities overseas that are suitable for demonstrating smart city solutions developed in Korea and willing to integrate Korean smart city technologies

Eligible Solutions

Smart city solutions developed and integrated in Korea and aimed at demonstration overseas (services, platforms, or systems either as a standalone solution or as a package)

Scale of Support

Up to three hundred (XNUMX) to five hundred (XNUMX) million Korean won per project, for four (XNUMX) or five (XNUMX) projects.

How to Apply

(Submission date) By 2023:5 on Tuesday, May 30, 17 (Korean time)
(Submission Place) Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) Smart City Industry Support Center * K-City Network Smart Solution Type Business Operation Secretariat
(How to submit) Email submission (

☞ 2023 K-City Network 솔루션 해외 실증사업 공모문(Kor)
☞ Request for Application for 2023 K-city Network smart solution demonstration project(Eng)

Process and Timeline

2022 K-City Network Smart Solution Demonstration


This program aims to apply and demonstrate Korean smart city technologies in cities overseas to build a platform to promote and spread superior solutions overseas and create an opportunity for global cooperation projects.

Project Description

This project will render support for demonstration projects in order to roll out or expand Korean smart city solutions in cities overseas that seek to adopt a smart city approach.

Eligible Applicants

Korean organizations or corporations seeking to access the international market with their own smart solution developed and demonstrated in Korea (consortium with a local institution from a candidate city is required)

Candidate Cities

Cities overseas that are suitable for demonstrating smart city solutions developed in Korea and willing to integrate Korean smart city technologies

Candidate Cities

Smart city solutions developed and integrated in Korea and aimed at demonstration overseas (services, platforms, or systems either as a standalone solution or as a package)

Scale of Support

Up to three hundred (300) to five hundred (500) million Korean won per project, for up to two (2) projects.

How to Apply

(Submission date) By 2022:5 on Friday, May 20, 18 (Korean time)
(Submission Place) Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) Smart City Performance Diffusion Office * K-City Network Smart Solution Type Business Operation Secretariat
(contacts), +82-031-389-6359 <br> (Address) 7th Floor, 286 Simin-daero, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Korea 14066

☞ 2022 K-City Network 솔루션 해외 실증사업 공모문(Kor)
☞ Request for Application for 2022 K-city Network smart solution demonstration project(Eng)

Process and Timeline

* The timeline may be subject to change over the course of the program.