
『2024 Republic of Korea City Awards』, ‘Jinju City, Gyeongnam’ selected for Presidential Award


- 국무총리상에 경기 고양시, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport장관상에 충남 홍성군 등 12개 지자체 □ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport(장관 박상우)는 November 29일 부산 수영구 호텔 아쿠아 펠리스에서 열리는 『2024년 대한민국 도시대상』 시상식에서 경남 진주시가 대통령상을, 경기 고양시가 국무총리상을 수상한다고 밝혔다.   ㅇ ‘대한민국 도시대상’은 지속 가능한 도시 실현과 생활 인프라 수준 향상에 기여한 지자체들의 혁신적 노력을 기념하기 위해 2000년부터 개최해왔으며,   ㅇ 시상식에서는 [...]

Robot rehabilitation business·AI video control system… ‘Certified’ as an excellent smart city and service


- (스마트도시) 경기 고양시(대도시), 서울 동대문구·세종시·의정부시(중소도시) 4곳 - (스마트도시 서비스) 자전거 도난방지 방안 담은 ‘스마트 자전거 지킴이 솔루션’ □ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport(장관 박상우)는 고양시(대도시), 서울 동대문구ㆍ세종시ㆍ의정부시(중소도시) 등 4곳을 ’24년 스마트도시로 신규 인증하였다.   ㅇ 이와 함께, 스마트 자전거 지킴이 솔루션(서경산업, 교통 분야)을 ’24년 스마트도시 서비스로 신규 인증하였다.   □ 스마트도시 인증은 지자체의 스마트 역량을 진단하고 우수사례를 발굴하기 위해 [...]

Minister Park Sang-woo emphasizes “Korea as a public-private one-team for K-new city exports”


- 25일, 베트남 동남신도시(판교 규모) 관심 23개 기업-LH 간 예비협약 임석 - 박닌省 당서기·성장과 사업방향 집중 논의, K-신도시 수출활동 전개 □박상우 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport 장관은 November 25일(월) 오후 베트남 박닌성에서 ‘박닌성 신도시 조성사업 협력 포럼’을 개최하고, ‘동남신도시’ 개발 사업에 관심이 있는 23개* 공공기관·민간기업과 사업을 주도하고 있는 한국토지주택공사(LH) 간의 예비협약에 임석했다.   * (민간) 대우건설, 포스코E&C, 우리은행 등 17개 [...]

Jeju Island Strengthens Safety Management by Establishing Smart Disaster Management System


드론을 활용한 스마트 관제 및 재난상황실과 실시간 상황정보 공유로 축제․행사장 안전 강화 ❑ 제주특별자치도가 축제· 행사장 안전관리와 재난 대응력 강화를 위해 드론과 재난안전통신망을 활용한 재난상황관리 체계를 운영하고 있다.   ❑ 제주도는 올해 우주모빌리티과에서 운영하는 드론 통합안전관제센터와 재난상황실 간 ‘드론 영상 실시간 공유 시스템’을 구축했다. 이를 통해 인파 관리와 실종자 수색 등 재난 예방과 대응 활동에 드론을 [...]

Incheon City, Spurring the Expansion of Blockchain Technology into Local Industries


-블록체인 산업 내재화 지원사업 5개 과제 선정, 기업당 7천만 원 지원-   인천광역시(시장 유정복)가 지역 내 다양한 산업 영역에 블록체인 기술이 확산되고 스며들 수 있도록 하는 ‘블록체인 산업 내재화 지원사업’을 본격적으로 추진한다. *(블록체인 산업 내재화 지원) 블록체인 보급확산을 위해 모든 산업군에 있는 기업들이 블록체인 기술을 활용할 수 있게 지원 이번 사업은 인천시와 인천테크노파크가 함께 추진하는 ‘2024년 [...]

3D digital surveying standardized… ‘Construction surveying construction standards’ established


- 15일 3차원 측량 시공기준 담은 표준시방서 고시… 건설 품질·효율성 향상 □ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport(장관 박상우) 국토지리정보원(원장 조우석)은 3차원 디지털 측량 등 스마트 건설기술을 반영한 측량 시공기준을 제정한다.   ㅇ 건설의 디지털화와 자동화를 목표로 추진 중인 스마트건설에는 측량 신기술(GNSS 측량, 무인비행장치 측량, 레이저스캐너 등)을 이용한 3차원 디지털 모델 구축이 필수적이어서 측량의 중요성이 높아지고 있으나,   ㅇ 건설측량 분야는 [...]

Implementing a digital twin-based underground tunnel disaster management platform through disaster safety research and development


- 지하공동구 재난 예측 및 사전 대응이 가능한 디지털트윈 플랫폼 개발 - 재난안전 R&D 성과, ‘2024 대한민국 정부박람회’ 참가·전시 ※ 지하공동구란? 전기, 통신, 수도 등 시설 중 2종 이상을 수용하는 지하 시설물 ※ 디지털트윈이란? 가상공간에 실물과 동일한 환경을 쌍둥이처럼 구현해 발생 가능한 상황을 시뮬레이션을 통해 분석·예측하여 현실의 문제 해결에 활용하는 기술   □ 정부는 다부처* 협력 [...]

Ulsan City-Hyundai Motor “Joining forces to make Ulsan a hydrogen-friendly city”


12일,‘수소생태계 구축 협력 위한 업무 협약’체결 수소산업 전주기 분야 사업 추진에 상호 협력키로 울산시와 현대자동차(주)가 울산을 수소 친화적 도시로 만들기 위해 힘을 모은다.   울산시는 November 12일 오후 2시 현대자동차(주) 울산공장 홍보관 2층 귀빈실에서 ‘현대차와 수소생태계 구축 협력’을 위한 업무협약을 체결한다고 밝혔다.   이날 업무협약식에는 김두겸 울산시장과 이동석 현대자동차(주) 대표이사가 참여한다.   협약에 따라 현대자동차(주)는 수소생산, [...]

Seongnam City, Korea's first 'World Smart City Awards' Innovation Category Grand Prize Winner


Seongnam City, Korea's first 'World Smart City Awards' Innovation Category Grand Prize Expo participating companies, Seongnam Pavilion effect 'tok tok'... Number of export consultations increased up to 3 times Seongnam City (Mayor Shin Sang-jin) won the Innovation Category Grand Prize for the 'Innovation for Hope' project at the 'World Smart City Awards 6' held in Barcelona, ​​Spain on the 2024th (local time). The 'World Smart City Awards' is a global smart city awards ceremony that has been held annually since 2011, hosted and organized by the city of Barcelona and Fira Barcelona, ​​and recognizes smart cities [...]

LH Wins Grand Prize in Urban Housing Inclusion Category at 'SCEWC World Smart City Awards'


- Won the grand prize in the Urban Housing and Inclusion category among 64 project entries from 429 countries - Recognition of the achievements of LH's urban problem-solving data analysis platform (COMPAS) Photo = Provided by LH □ The Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) announced on the 2024th that it had won the grand prize in the Urban Housing and Inclusion category at the '7 Spain Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) World Smart City Awards' held in Barcelona, ​​Spain. ㅇ The 'SCEWC World Smart City Awards' is a prestigious international competition that discovers and awards innovative projects leading smart cities. This year, 64 entries from 429 countries were received, resulting in fierce competition. □ The LH COMPAS platform, which won the award, is a citizen-participatory urban problem-solving data analysis platform. It was highly evaluated in that it can improve the sustainability of the city and the quality of life of residents by allowing citizens to directly utilize urban issues and data presented by local governments to create data analysis algorithms and seek solutions to urban problems in which they reside. □ Park Dong-seon, head of LH Land, Infrastructure and Transport Headquarters, said, “It is meaningful that the importance of COMPAS, which analyzes urban data together with citizens to seek solutions to urban problems, has been recognized internationally,” and “We will continue to conduct continuous research and development so that we can establish ourselves as a leading company in the smart city field both domestically and internationally.” Source: LH

Busan City to Promote Smart City Excellence Worldwide at “SCEWC 2024”


-11.5.~11.7. 스페인 바르셀로나에서 세계 최대 규모의 스마트시티 국제행사 열려 -시, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport가 조성한 한국관 내 부산관 운영… ▲부산 스마트시티 랩 조성 사업 ▲시 우수 스마트시티 기업(3개 업체) 소개 - 부산의 우수한 스마트기술 사업 홍보와 부산 참여 기업의 스마트시티 분야 흐름(트렌트) 파악 및 세계(글로벌) 시장 진출 기회의 장이 될 것으로 기대 □ 부산시(시장 박형준)는 오늘(5일)부터 7일까지 3일간 스페인 [...]

Jeju Island, the first in Korea to start commercial sales of green hydrogen


Hamdeok Charging Station to Sell at 1 Won per kg from November 1st… Accelerating the Promotion of Carbon Neutrality by 1 Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Hydrogen Economy Committee Meeting held on the 5,000th, major pending issues such as hydrogen sales price Jeju Special Self-Governing Province will start commercial sales of green hydrogen for hydrogen vehicles at Hamdeok Green Hydrogen Charging Station from November 2035st. Jeju Province established an ecosystem for producing green hydrogen using renewable energy and operating hydrogen buses for the first time in Korea in October last year, and has also led the way in commercial sales of green hydrogen for the first time in Korea, leading the hydrogen economy [...]

Regional cooperation type "1st Hydrogen Specialist Company Development Forum" held


Korea Hydrogen Association, Gyeongnam, Chungbuk, Jeonbuk, and Jeonnam sign MOU for fostering hydrogen specialized companies (potential) Korea Hydrogen Association (Chairman Kim Jae-hong) and four local governments of Chungbuk, Jeonbuk, Jeonnam, and Gyeongnam jointly held the "4st Hydrogen Specialized Company Development Forum" at Sebitseom on Wednesday, October 30. This forum, which was held as a preliminary event to commemorate the "Hydrogen Day" event designated as the first statutory commemorative day this year, was organized with the aim of sharing the current status of hydrogen companies in Korea and seeking ways for the government, local governments, academia, and companies to grow hydrogen specialized companies into global small and medium-sized enterprises. The number of hydrogen specialized companies has increased from 1 in 21 to 30 this year, and from 103, a preliminary hydrogen specialized company system has been implemented to foster hydrogen companies together with regions. Currently, 22 preliminary hydrogen specialized companies have been discovered and technology commercialization (approximately KRW 86 billion, 60 projects) is being supported. In addition, last year, the sales of 298 prospective hydrogen specialized companies, including Aspe Co., Ltd., grew, and there was also a result of converting to hydrogen specialized companies [...]

“Making our manufacturing industry younger and stronger” Applying artificial intelligence (AI) to Korean manufacturing


- 26 "AI Autonomous Manufacturing Leading Projects" to be unveiled this year, 3.7 trillion won in public-private investment expected - 26 local governments, 119 companies and organizations, etc. to operate a public-private cooperative system among the government, regions, and companies - Productivity increased by 30%, product defects decreased by 50%, and energy consumption decreased by 10% through leading projects - Expanding leading projects to 27 by 200 centered on the artificial intelligence (AI) autonomous manufacturing alliance AI autonomous manufacturing leading projects that dramatically increase productivity by applying AI to manufacturing and solve pressing issues such as decreasing productive population and reducing carbon emissions [...]

Digital Twin National Territory Standardization… Establishment of National Standards Linking Data on Buildings, Transportation, etc.


Even data from different regions and organizations can be easily utilized immediately without separate processing or conversion. □ The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (Minister Park Sang-woo) will establish 16 new national standards to enable easier connection of digital twin national territory* data and utilization in various fields, and will announce them on October 31. * Digital Twin National Territory: In order to intelligently manage the national territory and solve customized problems in the lives of the people, ① the real world is copied into the digital world, and ② virtualization technology (AR/VR+GIS+BIM+IoT+AI, etc.) [...]

'World's First UAM Integrated Operation Demonstration Success' K-UAM One Team to be Launched in Incheon


Incheon Metropolitan City (Mayor Yoo Jeong-bok) announced that it will hold a special exhibition at the 31th K-UAM CONFEX for two days from October 1. K-UAM One Team**, which became a hot topic by successfully completing the world’s first safety verification of all stages of urban air traffic (UAM) from ground movement to flight and landing (Grand Challenge* Stage 4), will participate. * Grand Challenge: Hosted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, a project to establish Korean UAM operation standards with the goal of commercializing UAM by 31 ** [...]

Anyang Mayor Choi Ma-ho presents advanced examples of 'smart cities' at the Korea-China-Japan local government exchange meeting


Anyang Mayor Choi Dae-ho announced on the 25rd that he attended the 23th Korea-China-Japan Local Government Exchange Conference and presented Anyang City's advanced 'smart city' cases. While the '21th Korea-China-Japan Local Government Exchange Conference' is being held at the Kim Dae-jung Convention Center in Chipyeong-dong, Seo-gu, Gwangju Metropolitan City from the 25st to the 25th of this month, Mayor Choi attended the conference on the 22nd and gave a presentation and Q&A session on 'Measures to revitalize the regional economy through building smart cities' for approximately 3 minutes starting at 40:40 PM. Through this, he introduced specific cases of increasing the efficiency of administrative services and improving the quality of life of citizens based on smart infrastructure, such as Anyang City's smart intersection system, intelligent artificial intelligence (AI) crime prevention system, and safe return home service, and received a great response from the attendees by presenting the core values ​​of municipal administration. In this regard, Anyang City also achieved the result of receiving a smart city international standard certification from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), an affiliate of the United Nations (UN), in New Delhi, India on the 14th (local time). Mayor Choi said, “We will continuously strive to become a world-class smart city, and in particular, we will strengthen cooperation with local governments in Korea, China, and Japan in line with the global era to create a better future together.” Prior to the case presentation, Mayor Choi had a separate meeting in a small conference room with Yuan Mindao, Vice Chairman of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), and exchanged in-depth opinions on ways to further develop Korea-China relations and the role of local governments. Mayor Choi emphasized the role of local governments, saying, “Local governments in Korea, China, and Japan, which are faced with complex global challenges such as low birth rates, aging populations, and youth exodus, must interact with each other and build a global network.” The Korea-China-Japan Local Government Exchange Conference has been held since 3 to share best administrative practices among local governments in Korea, China, and Japan and to promote exchanges among the three countries. Approximately 1999 people from the China People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Japan Council for Local Authorities Internationalization (CLAIR), domestic local governments, and policy research institutes attended this conference. Source: Anyang City 

Twenty-ninth, Jeju, a clean island open to the world, a global resort city


UAM, building a cruise terminal to become a world-class tourist resort city Fostering a carbon-free energy leading city with waste battery recycling and distributed energy special zones An island where citizens are happy, equipped with cultural heritage preservation, inheritance, medical care, education, and living infrastructure, including Jeju Haenyeo fishing and Tamna historical and cultural zones President Yoon Seok-yeol held the “People’s Livelihood Discussion with the People: 10.15th, Jeju, a Clean Island Open to the World, a Global Resort City” at the Jeju International Free City Development Center (JDC) on Tuesday, October XNUMX. The discussion that day was held under the themes of ➊ Jeju, a tourist resort city for the world, ➋ Jeju, a leading city in carbon-free energy, and ➌ Jeju, a livable place supported by medical care and education [...]

In the era of data economy, MSIT and MOLIT join hands to support the use of publicly restricted data


Signing of MOU to promote use of restricted spatial information in data safe zones □ High-precision aerial photographs, satellite images, electronic maps, and other restricted spatial information* that were previously only available in the spatial information safe zone of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (Minister Park Sang-woo) in Seoul (Gangnam) will now be available in the Data Safe Zone in Daejeon operated by the Ministry of Science and ICT (Minister Yoo Sang-im, hereinafter referred to as 'MSIT'). * Spatial information (aerial photographs, satellite images, electronic maps, etc.) that includes high-precision, high-resolution 3D coordinates □ The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport and MSIT have agreed to promote use of restricted spatial information that had previously been only available in the spatial information safe zone [...]

Oh Market, Realizing Smile in Smart Life Seoul… Will Become a Global Smart City Innovation Platform


- Announcement of the vision for a smart city Seoul at the opening ceremony of the people-centered ICT expo 'Smart Life Week (10.10.~12.)' - Pledge to create a city where no one is excluded from technology and where people come first... where citizens are happy - Hosting 'Mayors Forum' with participation of mayors from 33 cities around the world, sharing smart city visions, cases, and seeking cooperation measures - 'Smart Life Week' to be developed into a meaningful event that promotes global digital development and cooperation between cities □ Seoul City 'Smile in Smart Life' [...]