6 Universities

Human Resource Development 6 Universities specialize in reflecting the demands of the smart city industry as part of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport
Through the training, the competition was selected to foster the core experts required for vitalizing the industry and entering overseas markets.
The school selected KAIST, Pusan ​​National University, Seoul National University, Sungkyunkwan University, University of Seoul, Yonsei UniversityIs,
They will do business for 2019 years from 2023 to 5.

KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

Business goals

  • Nurturing core high-quality human resources to lead the smart city industry, the core platform of the 4th industrial revolution
  • Fostering converged and integrated professional manpower capable of planning, designing, constructing, and operating advanced smart facilities according to the development of ICT technology, as well as policy setting
  • The trained professional manpower plays a key role in leading the convergence of industries, technology, and academic disciplines and restructuring the global industrial structure.

Business period

  • Through the first and second stages of the U-City master's and doctoral support project, the curriculum and foundation for nurturing smart city innovative talents were established based on specialized subjects. Through this project, the smart city program expanded and innovated over the next five years. , Set the goal of globalization and advancement of KAIST smart city program through advancement

Project cost

(In millions of Korean won, %)
구분 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 system Composition ratio
(2019 years) (2020 years) (2021 years) (2022 years) (2023 years)
Sum 437.971 442.971 437.971 442.971 437.971 2,199.855 100%
Government Grant 290 295 290 295 290 1,460 (66.37%)
대학 147.971 147.971 147.971 147.971 147.971 739.855 (33.63%)
Cooperation Organization - - - - - - (-%)
Others - - - - - - (-%)
sub Total 147.971 147.971 147.971 147.971 147.971 739.855 (33.63%)

Freshman / Graduate Information

  • In the 1 stage of the existing U-City master's and doctoral support programs, a total of 113 students were selected with 28 masters and PhD 141 students. In the 2 stage, a total of 88 students were selected with 86 masters and 174 doctoral candidates.
  • Through the Smart City Innovative Human Resource Development Project, 5 students, 106 doctoral students, and 44 students in total are selected for 150 years.
  • Average 21 students / year for master's program, average 9 students / year for doctoral program


  • Industry-university cooperation system establishment plan : Participation in the smart city innovation talent training project Participation in intern programs, field training, joint research and development of graduate students
  • Internship and on-site training for smart city related organizations : Encourage education motivation through practical experience in smart city field, explore trends and research topics in smart city field, and exchange with smart city private experts
  • International Cooperation Project : Internationalization of graduate education and establishment of global research network through the formation and operation of the International Cooperation Committee to actively carry out international cooperation programs
  • Expanding exchanges with overseas universities : Expand the exchange of various opportunities such as research exchange and joint research, joint degree programs, exchange students, short- and long-term overseas trips and dispatch.
  • Contribution to Smart City Related Institutions : U-City Master's and Doctoral Program support graduates are engaged in smart city related organizations by continuously conducting research in related research fields


  • The four specialized projects to be promoted in the Smart City Innovative Human Resource Development Program are to innovate the infrastructure that forms the foundation of the city and to train creative professionals who can install and operate smart services in such intelligent facilities. division
  • Resilient and Smart Infrastructure : Research on maintenance system to secure sufficient structure safety after designing and constructing smart social infrastructure
  • Sustainable Environment : Differentiate from other universities' similar programs by strengthening programs that educate / research technologies that combine technology, ICT technology, environment, and energy technology to make intelligent infrastructure and embedded smart services last longer.
  • Smart Urban System Field : KAIST College of Information Science and Technology has grown to become the world's largest college for ICT technology with more than 120 faculty members due to its integration with ICU, and it has established an education and research environment that is very easy to integrate with each field related to smart city (social infrastructure).
  • Renewable Energy & Earth Resources To solve the problem of non-permanence and environmental destruction of energy supply and demand system, research is underway to discover, develop and utilize sustainable renewable energy sources such as geothermal, wind, solar and biomass.

Strengths (characteristics)

  • It is easy to collaborate and exchange with other departmental researchers such as industrial design, computer science, electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering as well as convergence research within the department, and promote new growth engine through interdisciplinary research by encouraging this at the university level. Expected to be possible
  • Students in the master's and doctoral degree programs can gain a broader perspective and international insight through exchanges with students from leading universities abroad, and have the advantage in overseas patent / paper presentation and overseas entry by taking English courses
  • KAIST has various research experiences such as smart city, city of the future, and smart business, and the accumulated potential is expected to contribute greatly to the smart city innovation talent development project.

Pusan ​​National University

Business goals

“Fostering comprehensive planner of coastal urban regeneration smart city master plan”

Pusan ​​National University's smart city innovation talent nurturing project aims to 'cultivate a coastal city regeneration type smart city master planner with a broad understanding and power of insight on smart cities'. To foster smart city specialists through interdisciplinary convergence education and practical programs, various projects such as industry-university linkage and international cooperation are implemented.

  • Cultivation of convergence talent for coastal urban regeneration smart city
  • Nurturing a smart city expert planner
  • Cultivating coastal urban regeneration smart city specialists

Business period

  • March 2019, 3 - December 5, 2023 (31 years and 4 months)

Project cost

(In millions of Korean won, %)
구분 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 system Composition ratio
(2019 years) (2020 years) (2021 years) (2022 years) (2023 years)
Sum 405.7 405.7 413.9 415.9 418.9 2,060.1 100%
Government Grant 290 290 285 287 290 1,442 (70.00%)
대학 115.7 115.7 128.9 128.9 128.9 618.1 (30.00%)
Cooperation Organization - - - - - - (-%)
Others - - - - - - (-%)
sub Total 115.7 115.7 128.9 128.9 128.9 618.1 (30.00%)

Freshman / Graduate Information

  • Recruitment target for new students: total 84 students (masters 60, doctors 24)
  • Achievement goals for graduates: total 65 students (masters 50, doctors 15)


  • Foundation of joint research using existing networks : Establishes a cooperative system with national research institutes and local government research institutes, and seeks to continuously cooperate and exchange in the course of project implementation
  • Establish cooperative system with local government through field trip : Establishing a cooperative system with local governments in the process of field visits and research, and cultivating the practical solution abilities of graduate students participating in the coastal urban regeneration smart city planning track
  • Education and research exchange using international cooperation system : We are building an international cooperation system with various overseas research institutes, and we want to continue to cooperate and exchange in the process of carrying out the project.


Education Field

  • 1-2: Open basic courses on urban planning in coastal urban regeneration, disaster management, environmental and climate change, traffic safety, traffic engineering, and residential environment to operate convergence curriculum, and use them in smart cities Opening courses for communication systems and programming
  • Year 3-4: Review the plan for operating interdisciplinary courses and open the integrated 'coastal urban regeneration smart city' course in year 5 and plan for independence of the 'coastal urban regeneration smart city plan' track establish
  • Year 5: Promoting interdisciplinary convergence and hands-on education through the opening of 'City Coastal Regeneration Smart City'. In addition, by distributing the track certificate of 'City Coast Regeneration-type Smart City Plan', the track to foster the innovation of smart city will become independent.

Research Areas

  • Improving urban resilience and building a smart disaster prevention and safety city
  • Building a smart transportation system
  • Building a smart environment city
  • Smart city planning scenario program development
  • 5G, IoT communication system design
  • Building an inclusive living environment model
  • Establishment of smart urban regeneration design model

Strengths (characteristics)

  • Pusan ​​National University is actively participating in the national smart city project, such as establishing the Busan Metropolitan City Climate Change Response Plan for 2050 Carbon Neutrality, managing the Eco Delta City Platform, and developing a blockchain service scenario for the smart city in Sejong 5-3 District. Smart city National pilot smart city project participation experience will be actively utilized to train coastal urban regeneration smart city master planners
  • Rich experience in fostering convergent human resources development project and domestic and foreign research exchange network : Experience in carrying out abundant human resource development projects such as BK21 Plus, Climate Change Specialized Graduate School Project, and BB21 Plus (Brain Busan 21 +). Network utilization with foreign universities
  • Research is undertaken on topics such as climate change and urban planning, inclusive living environment, pedestrian safety and life safety. This research experience has helped the process of conducting research in the areas of disaster management, environmental and climate change, traffic safety, and residential environment.
  • We have a lot of experiences related to the industry such as `` Development of Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Modem for Monitoring Underwater Structures of Ships '' and `` Development of Air-Conditioning Wireless Communication, '' In addition to education and research, we have an environment that enables the development of human resources that can be applied to the site.Doing

Seoul National University

Business goals

“Fostering key manpower to lead the future urban culture development and urban technology innovation”

Smart City Track, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University

Education innovation
  • Development and operation of world-class education / research programs in the smart city sector
  • Development of innovative educational curriculum integrated between various fields related to smart city
  • Establishment of technical and academic research foundation and research for future urban smart city
  • Network building for smart city promotion
Urban innovation
  • Pioneering bridgehead for overseas export of Korean smart city model, securing international publicity and status
  • Applied Smart City Track education / research results to Seoul National University

Business period

  • Total business period is planned in 2019 years / 2023 steps from 5 to 3
  • In 2019, as the business base building stage, the vision of the Seoul Metropolitan Smart City talent nurturing project was established and detailed project planning with domestic and foreign partner organizations was completed.
  • 2020-2022 is the stage of establishment of the business foundation, operating the specialized smart city education program at Seoul National University, employment and start-up support system, patent and research support system, and building the best intern base at home and abroad, and promoting joint projects with partner institutions.
  • 2023 will verify its performance as a business-based verification stage and pursue future sustainable development strategies through the feedback system.

Project cost

(In millions of Korean won, %)
구분 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 system Composition ratio
(2019 years) (2020 years) (2021 years) (2022 years) (2023 years)
Sum 294.60 415.52 415.52 415.52 415.52 1,951.68 100%
Government Grant 190 290 290 285 290 1,345 (69.00%)
대학 104.60 125.52 125.52 125.52 125.52 606.68 (31.00%)
Cooperation Organization - - - - - - (-%)
Others - - - - - - (-%)
sub Total 104.60 125.52 125.52 125.52 125.52 606.68 (31.00%)

Freshman / Graduate Information

  • 75 workforce goal (Master 40, Doctor 35) and employment rate 100%
  • Post-management of the graduates: Establishing smart city human network, encouraging attracting and participating in smart city seminars in Seoul National University, sharing information on graduate employment status and smart city, and retraining existing employees in smart city


Industry-Academic Cooperation Network

  • Seoul National University is a national university corporation that actively engages in industry-academic cooperation through various school institutions and actively cooperates with 79 venture companies in the university.
  • The center of industry-university cooperation is a research center established jointly with research institutes and industries affiliated with Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, SKT, Coway, etc.
  • Academic Industrial Technology Support Group: A group formed by professors of 45 engineering colleges across the nation to support the technological competitiveness of SMEs. It was formed in 1996 and contributed to the development of corporate problems and expansion of exchanges with universities.

International Cooperation Network

  • International exchange support program : International IT Policy Program (ITPP) secures a network of 67 graduates from developing countries in the ICT field in developing countries
  • Network building with leading overseas organizations : Build various networks such as joint degree program with 26 institutions such as Georgia Institute of Technology and France INSA on the basis of engineering college


  • Creating an environment for convergence education to foster innovative talent
  • Siheung Smart Campus Strategy
  • Organic combination of industry-university cooperation and business support program
  • Smart city R&D connection
  • Fostering Global Leaders for Smart City Overseas Expansion

Strengths (characteristics)

  • Convergence Major Smart city global convergence, multi-disciplinary research and talent cultivation for the realization of smart cities such as architecture, city, IT, and machinery based on the experience of active convergence research and cooperative education through the operation of the smart city track of the Department of Construction and Environmental Engineering in the general graduate school possible
  • Seoul National University Siheung Smart Campus will serve as a testbed, a platform for rigorous and transparent testing of new technologies required for smart city construction, such as autonomous driving, UAM, and data-based city lab.
  • We are actively carrying out industry-university cooperation through various in-house institutions such as SNU Engineering Consulting Center and Graduate School of Engineering. Through this, we are continuously accumulating the results of joint industry-university research, on-the-job training, and in-service training.
  • As part of the internationalization project that has been promoted since 2006, overseas internship programs have been carried out, and thus, dispatched to the world's leading research institutes, companies and international organizations.

Sungkyunkwan University

Business goals

“Based on various convergence smart city education and research infrastructure for future high-tech city construction, we nurture core professionals who can lead the industry and overseas expansion through specialized education that reflects the needs of the smart city industry/local government”

Business period

  • Agreement signing date ~ December 2023, 31 (4 years 10 months)

Project cost

(In millions of Korean won, %)
구분 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 system Composition ratio
(2019 years) (2020 years) (2021 years) (2022 years) (2023 years)
Sum 410 410 415 442 440 2,117 100%
Government Grant 290 290 295 292 290 1,457 (68.8%)
대학 120 120 120 150 150 660 (31.2%)
Cooperation Organization - - - - - - (-%)
Others - - - - - - (-%)
sub Total 120 120 120 120 120 600 (30.8%)

Freshman / Graduate Information

  • The Smart City Innovation Talent Development Plan is to recruit 5 master's and 2019 doctoral freshmen for 2023 years (75-15), and produce 68 master's and 15 doctoral graduates.


  • Industry-university cooperation system : Establish a government-industry-academic cooperation system by concluding mutual cooperation agreements with smart city-related municipalities, related organizations, and industries. Cooperation in various fields such as lecture exchange, textbook development, internship improvement, and start-up support as a field of mutual cooperation
  • International (International) Cooperation System : Sungkyunkwan University has signed 746 exchange agreements with 1563 institutions around the world at the university headquarters level, and is also conducting smart city-related research and student exchange programs using our global network.


  • Global Smart City Training Course : Multi-disciplinary program based on smart city-specific human resource development, operation of convergence / composite cross-link smart city education program, operation of practical education program based on Lean Startup model, etc.
  • Improvement of research environment by establishing domestic and overseas cooperation system : Building Lean Startup-based research and experiment / practical environment, strengthening business ability through industry-academic cooperation research and internship program, promoting international cooperation and joint research, etc.
  • Improvement of department operation plan through internal and external cooperation : Improvement of student performance and department operation through permanent committees, establishment of global reading periods and two-way cooperation system, operation of entrepreneurship support forum, etc.
  • Cooperation system building and strengthening program establishment : Establishment of research and education cooperation system related to delayed specialization (Suwon-si), establishment of cooperation system for overseas institutions, establishment and implementation of programs for strengthening job competency for fostering smart city talent

Strengths (characteristics)

  • Secure cutting-edge research equipment suitable for smart city research : Smart City Lab has been operating since 2013 to secure cutting-edge equipment such as visualization display equipment, 3D printer, 3D Cutter, LBS equipment, and 3D Laser Scanner
  • Support for development and commercialization of smart city intellectual property rights of Sungkyunkwan University : Operation of a dedicated organization (TLO: Technology Licensing Office) composed of patent management experts to systematically support the application and registration of intellectual property rights and link them to technology transfer
  • Establishment of smart city industry-university cooperation system : Systematic cooperation system leading to family company, industry-university cooperation council, and industry-university cooperative (UNIC) maximizes the practical use of basic science research technology and organic cooperation system with domestic and foreign excellent industries. Excellent potential for integrating cutting-edge ICT technology through close technology exchange
  • Enhancing Employment Capability of Smart City Professionals through Co-op Co-op provides opportunities for early discovery and verification of outstanding talents through school classes and on-the-job training, and students have the opportunity to explore careers after graduation through on-the-job experiences while in school.

University of Seoul

Business goals

  • Providing safety, mobility, convenience and eco-friendly services in smart future cities Innovative talent that can spread to jobs and start-ups positivity
  • Fostering talents who lead future city innovation and create sustainable growth engines through inclusive smart cities
  • Smart city planning/regeneration, smart life safety, smart mobility, smart disaster/disaster prevention, smart energy/environment, smart spatial information, smart construction and maintenance technology, and ICT-based urban platform fields are composed of smart city convergence majors. Fostering 'Smart- 𝑖² CORE Talent' who can promote smarter regeneration
  • Contribute to cultivating smart city innovative talent and vitalizing smart city industry
  • Fostering global smart city talent in response to overseas export of smart city technology and job demand

Business period

  • Agreement signing date ~ December 2023, 31 (4 years 10 months)

Project cost

(In millions of Korean won, %)
구분 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 system Composition ratio
(2019 years) (2020 years) (2021 years) (2022 years) (2023 years)
Sum 500 500 500 500 500 2,500 100%
Government Grant 290 290 290 290 290 1,450 (58%)
대학 210 210 210 210 210 1,050 (42%)
Cooperation Organization - - - - - - (-%)
Others - - - - - - (-%)
sub Total 210 210 210 210 210 1,050 (42%)

Freshman / Graduate Information

  • Recruitment target for new students: total 125 students (masters 100, doctors 25)
  • – Graduation target: total 90 (80 masters, 10 doctors)


  • Establishment of cooperation system between related departments in the university for fostering smart city innovative talent : As an urban service platform that can realize the convergence of cutting-edge technology and urban planning and operation management knowledge in various fields related to urban functions and services, create an educational environment by establishing an active cooperation system with relevant departments within the university.
  • International Cooperation System for Smart City Innovation Talent Development Project : A global program that can be divided into developed countries and developing countries to achieve actual internationalization achievement, operation and expansion of Smart City International Cooperation Module (IGLUS), international smart city network centered on Seoul University
  • Creation and promotion of smart city industry-university cooperation model : Establishment of industry-university cooperation model based on the goal and basic concept of Seoul City University smart city expert development, formation and operation of `` Academic-Industry Cooperation Committee '' within the department of Smart City


  • Fusion of Urban Science College, Computer Science, and Natural Science Smart City Department established and operated
  • Based on the accumulated education and research implementation system of urban science specialized universities Focusing on 8 fields with high public awareness (smart urban planning/regeneration, smart life safety, smart mobility, smart disaster/disaster prevention, smart energy/environment, smart spatial information, smart construction and maintenance technology, ICT-based city platform technology)Training Smart City Experts
  • Multidisciplinary (City-Technology-Natural Science) Convergence Education `` Learn / Connect-Accelerate-Strengthen '' Education System and Curriculum Realized in `` Smart-City Living Lab '' 구성
  • Education curriculum composition, evaluation and improvement system reflecting the demand of smart city industry
  • Active use of domestic and international internship programs
  • Maximizing the Performance of Innovating Smart Cities by Cooperating with Seoul
  • Create smart city jobs by actively utilizing the university's industry-university network and start-up programs
  • Differentiated smart city education by actively utilizing existing urban science education base, global system, 4 car industry revolution technology, and utilizing Seoul's space, facilities and governance cooperation system
  • Urban Science Research Center (Smart City Research Center, Convergence City Research Center, etc.), Urban Science Big Data/AI Research Center, Natural Science Research Center (Computational Science Research Center, Mathematical Science and Statistics Research Center, etc.), Urban Big Data Convergence Department, etc. Promotion and sharing of research results, such as organic connection between education and research through the center and holding seminars

Strengths (characteristics)

  • Currently, the University of Seoul has been selected as an outstanding university of urban science specialization as a university specializing in urban science.
  • Possible to contribute to the internationalization of smart city graduate students and export of smart city technology and human resources in Korea through the achievement of cooperation projects with various urban science-related universities and institutions and the human network through training of civil servants in Asian cities
  • Close cooperation with Seoul makes it easy to apply and experiment with smart city education and research results
  • Effective internationalization of students in smart city departments through cooperation with urban experts and practitioners from overseas universities, government (central / local) and industrial fields

Yonsei University

Business goals

“Through interdisciplinary convergence between majors in urban engineering, industrial engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, and computer science, we will ensure that we have comprehensive knowledge about smart cities, and foster global creative innovative talents with practical knowledge and experience through industry-university, local government, and international cooperation. positivity"

Business period

  • Agreement signing date ~ December 2023, 31 (4 years 10 months)

Project cost

(In millions of Korean won, %)
구분 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 system Composition ratio
(2019 years) (2020 years) (2021 years) (2022 years) (2023 years)
Sum 425.2 420.2 420.2 428.2 425.2 2,119 100%
Government Grant 290 285 285 293 290 1,443 (68.1%)
대학 135.2 135.2 135.2 135.2 135.2 676 (31.9%)
Cooperation Organization - - - - - - (-%)
Others - - - - - - (-%)
sub Total 135.2 135.2 135.2 135.2 135.2 676 (31.9%)

Freshman / Graduate Information

  • Each year, an average of 31 new students are admitted and an average of 20 graduates are produced.


  • Establishment of smart city industry-university-research cooperation system : Expand the network of external cooperation with industries, local governments, researchers, and public institutions, and operate various smart city convergence service education programs such as seminars, lectures, and exchanges to gain field experience and foster international smart city experts. Various programs are conducted based on the industry-academic cooperation network such as internships and project participation, providing students with opportunities to connect with their career paths. Identify local governments and public institutions interested in smart cities, and cooperate for the development of smart cities and nurturing smart city experts
  • International education program operation : Operation of 'Smart City Management' education program and joint course for the master's program with MGIMO University of Russia, which signed an MOU with Yonsei University's Smart City Convergence Service R&D Center, and educational cooperation such as international seminars


  • Education Field : Smart City Curriculum : Developing textbooks and operating educational programs that combine professional knowledge and practice with participation in the majors of urban engineering, industrial engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, and computer science, focusing on the three major fields of smart city technology, infrastructure, and convergence service
  • Research Areas : Deriving the specific industrial fields and development scope of smart city through smart city-related R&D and winning project orders, and supporting research on related projects in line with the three smart city fields: infrastructure, technology, and convergence service. Considering the characteristics of smart city convergence service through multidisciplinary cooperation, it is the field that can generate the greatest synergy effect, and is divided into specialized research by major and convergence research. Specialization on Smart City Linkage Research available
  • Entrepreneurship and Career : Support for participation in job fairs, expansion of connections and exchanges with related institutions, forecasting and nurturing of manpower supply and demand according to industry classification, and operation of practical linkage programs. Linkage and support to the Startup Support Center, Smart City Convergence Startup Support
  • Operating Area : Recruitment and utilization of administrative and educational manpower for the operation of innovative talent nurturing projects. Scholarship program planning and operation. Hosting an admissions briefing session to promote publicity and dissemination of research results, production of publicity brochures, and various online public relations activities

Strengths (characteristics)

  • Yonsei University's Smart City Convergence Service R&D Center aims to nurture specialists specialized in the smart city convergence service field for the smart city innovation talent nurturing project. Established in Yonsei University in March 2006, about 3 yearsliver operation
  • The R & D team is not operating temporarily. As an independent institution, continuous operation is possible even after the end of the smart city innovation talent development projectBased on this, continuous education to nurture smart city manpower
  • Convergence Study on Smart City Convergence ServiceIt aims to provide various educational and experience opportunities rather than experiment and practice-oriented, and nurture smart city convergence and innovative talents through academic convergence.
  • Global academic exchange with world-renowned universities through Yonsei University's global network