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Carbon Neutrality Key Technology, Challenges and Prospects for the German Heat Pump Industry in 2025

2025-02-03T11:14:21+09:002025.01.24|Overseas Smart City News|

2024년 독일 열펌프 시장은 복잡한 법적 규정과 소비자 혼란으로 판매량이 46% 감소 산업계는 2025년을 열펌프 산업 재도약과 탄소중립 달성의 전환점으로 전망 독일 열펌프 산업은 2023년 기록적인 판매량 증가로 급성장했으나, 2024년에는 다시 감소세로 돌아서며 시장의 큰 변동성을 드러냈다. 이에 대해 독일 열펌프 협회(Bundesverband Wärmepumpe, BWP)와 독일 난방 산업 협회(Bundesverband der Deutschen Heizungsindustrie, BDH)는 열펌프 시장의 안정적인 회복과 탄소중립 목표 달성을 위해 2025년을 기점으로 더욱 적극적인 정책적 지원과 구조적 개선이 필요하다고 강조했다.   2024년 판매량 감소, 원인은?   2024년 독일 내 열펌프 판매량은 19만3000대로 전년도 35만6000대에 비해 46% 감소했다. 이는 연방정부가 설정한 연간 50만 대 설치 목표에 크게 못 미치는 수치로, 독일 열펌프 시장이 기대에 부응하지 못했음을 보여준다.   <독일 열펌프 판매량 추이(2017-2024)> (단위: 대, %) [자료: 독일 난방 산업 협회/독일 열펌프 협회]   난방 산업 협회는 2024년 독일 열펌프 시장 침체의 주요 원인으로 '건축물에너지법(Gebäudeenergiegesetz, GEG)'이 법적 규정과 연계되면서 소비자들에게 혼란을 초래한 점을 지적했다. 2024년부터 시행된 건축물에너지법은 신규 난방 시스템이 최소 65% 이상의 재생 가능 에너지를 사용하도록 규정하고 있다. 그러나 초기에는 일부 신축 건물에만 적용되었으며, 지역난방 계획과 연계되면서 소비자들에게 혼란과 불확실성을 초래했다. 소비자들은 자신이 거주하는 지역의 난방 네트워크 계획이 어떻게 구성될지 명확히 알지 못하는 상황에서 난방 시스템 교체 결정을 주저하게 되었으며, 이는 시장 침체의 주요 원인으로 작용하게 됐다. 난방 산업 협회의 마르쿠스 슈타우트(Markus Staudt) 협회장은 현재의 정책 환경이 난방 시스템 현대화를 촉진하는데 충분하지 않다고 언급하며, 시장이 안정적인 성장 궤도로 복귀할 수 있도록 신속하고 구체적인 조치가 필요하다고 강조했다.   <2024년 열펌프 월 판매 대수> (단위: 대) [자료: 독일 난방 산업 협회/독일 열펌프 협회]   2025년 회복 가능성과 시장 전망   2024년의 부진한 성과에도 불구하고, 독일 열펌프 협회는 2025년 열펌프 시장이 약 33% 성장하여 25만7000대의 판매량을 기록할 것으로 전망한다. 이러한 전망은 지난해 '효율적인 건축을 위한 연방 보조금(Bundesförderung für effiziente Gebäude, BEG)' 프로그램을 통해 15만1000건 이상의 보조금 승인이 이루어진 결과와 밀접하게 관련되어 있다. 특히 December 한 달동안 약 3만7000건의 보조금 승인이 이루어졌는데, 이는 난방 보조금이 실질적인 효과를 발휘하고 있음을 보여주는 긍정적인 신호로 해석된다. 마르틴 자벨(Martin Sabel) 열펌프 협회장은 “보조금이 드디어 효과를 발휘하기 시작했으며, 소비자들의 보조금에 대한 관심과 수요가 꾸준히 증가하고 있다”며, 이러한 흐름이 지속되고 보조금 프로그램이 더욱 활성화되면 2025년에는 시장이 본격적으로 회복될 것이라고 기대를 표명했다.   <효율적인 건축을 위한 연방 보조금 구조> [자료: 연방 경제기후보호부]   또한, 열펌프 협회는 장기적으로 연방정부가 목표로 하는 연간 50만 대 이상의 열펌프 설치가 가능하며, 2030년까지 독일 내 열펌프 보급량이 500만 대를 초과할 것으로 전망한다. 다만, 이러한 성장은 정책적 지원과 시장 구조 개선이 뒷받침될 때만 실현 가능하다는 분석이다. 협회는 특히 소비자 신뢰 회복과 정책의 일관성 유지를 시장 회복의 핵심 요소로 강조하고 있다.   2025년, 열펌프 시장의 성장과 에너지 전환의 분수령   한편, 열펌프 산업계는 열펌프를 지속 가능한 미래를 실현하는 핵심 기술이자 에너지 전환과 탄소중립 목표 달성을 가속할 중요한 열쇠로 평가하며, 2025년을 이러한 목표를 달성하는 데 있어 매우 중요한 시기로 보고 있다.    실제 열펌프는 독일 에너지 전환 정책의 중심축으로 자리 잡고 있으며, 탄소중립 목표를 달성하기 위한 필수적인 기술로 인정받고 있다. 열펌프 협회의 자료에 따르면, 기존 석유 보일러(연간 CO₂ 배출량 9.4톤)와 가스보일러(7.37톤)에 비해 열펌프는 일반 열펌프(1.87톤)와 재생 가능 에너지를 사용하는 열펌프(0.07톤)를 통해 CO₂ 배출량을 최대 99%까지 줄일 수 있다. 이와 함께 열펌프는 1kWh의 전력으로 3.8kWh 이상의 열을 생성할 수 있는 뛰어난 에너지 효율성을 자랑하며, 재생 가능 에너지와 결합하면 화석연료 의존도를 크게 줄이고 에너지 전환을 더욱 가속할 수 있다. 이러한 특성으로 인해 열펌프는 단순한 난방 기술을 넘어 독일의 지속 가능한 미래를 이끄는 핵심 솔루션으로 주목받고 있다.   [...]

Trends and Outlook for U.S. Data Center Expansion Driven by Rapid Growth in AI Demand

2024-12-03T13:57:32+09:002024.11.26|Overseas Smart City News|

Big Tech, AI Data Center Capital Expenditure Continues to Increase Texas, Emerging as a Data Center Hub, Induces Construction of Its Own Power Plant to Stabilize Power Supply and Demand Power supply and heat management will determine the speed of data center expansion According to global consulting firm McKinsey & Company, the global demand for data centers, currently at 60 gigawatts (GW), is expected to increase by an average of 2030% per year through 22, expanding to 3 GW, about three times the current [...]

[China] China selects 6 eVTOL pilot cities

2024-12-03T16:44:51+09:002024.11.19|Overseas Smart City News|

□ China selects 6 eVTOL pilot cities (Xinhua Financial News, November 11.18) ㅇ Sun Weiguo, director of the China Aviation Association's Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Business Committee, announced on November 18 at the 2024 International Electric Aviation Forum that "the Chinese government plans to promote eVTOL (electric vertical takeoff and landing) pilot projects in 6 cities." - The 6 pilot cities are identified as Hefei, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Chengdu, and Chongqing. - The central government is known to have set specific airway and regional standards and granted local governments jurisdiction over low-altitude airspace below 600 meters. - eVTOLs have operating costs that are between those of drones and helicopters, and require large infrastructure such as takeoff and landing pads compared to existing fixed-wing aircraft. [...]

Prospects for a Revival in Canada's Robotics Industry

2024-12-03T13:56:33+09:002024.11.06|Overseas Smart City News|

The Canadian robot market, growing at an average annual rate of 6.9%, will be worth 2029 billion Canadian dollars by 24. The service robot market is overwhelmingly dominated by the automotive industry in the manufacturing industry. The Canadian government's active investment support for the 4th industrial revolution (AI, robots, etc.) will be worth 2029 billion Canadian dollars by 24. Trends and ecosystem of the Canadian robot market Canada is one of the leading countries in the 4th industrial revolution and is working hard to foster manufacturing and ICT companies and talents, [...]

2024 Central Europe Smart City Roadshow to be held

2024-11-01T13:34:38+09:002024.10.08|Overseas Smart City News|

Deepening cooperation through Korea-Czech Smart City Export Cooperation Forum, consultations, and institutional visits Discussing participation in smart city projects with Czech local governments, public institutions, and companies KOTRA held the 'Korea-Czech Smart City Export Cooperation Forum and Consultation' on September 2024.9.26-27, 8. As part of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport's smart city export support project, this road show was attended by 40 major domestic companies and discussed cooperation plans with about XNUMX Czech companies through forums, consultations, and institutional visits. Our participating companies are AI-based facility management solutions, construction service digitalization platforms, security solutions, firewall automation solutions, [...]

[Contribution] Paris Evolving into a Smart City

2024-11-01T13:41:51+09:002024.10.04|Overseas Smart City News|

Sustainable Smart City Paris Data Collection, Privacy, and Other Issues Facing Smart Cities France Regional Expert Ban Ki-an (Managing Director, Impulse Partners) Paris Leading Innovation The Paris Olympics, which heated up the world last summer, has come to an end. There was much talk and much trouble, but Paris, which hosted the Summer Olympics for the first time in 100 years, showed a refreshing side in many ways. The opening ceremony, which was held outside the stadium for the first time in Olympic history with the Seine River as the backdrop, was groundbreaking, and the various games were held in symbolic buildings and historic sites scattered throughout Paris and its suburbs. It was an attempt that only Paris could make, and it showed the world what the Olympics are, with the entire city becoming a stage for the festival. It was also a competition that opened new horizons in terms of diversity, inclusiveness, gender equality, and the environment.   Paris has been trying to lead innovation not only in the Olympics but also in the smart city sector. Smart city is a concept that emerged in the 1990s, and it aims to solve the problems that cities face by adapting rapidly developing information and communication technologies. Although Paris has been late to digital transformation compared to other international cities, it is actively introducing and experimenting with various elements that make up a smart city. This is not the first time in history that Paris has led urban development or innovation. The modernization of Paris in the late 19th century under the leadership of Baron Haussmann has become a model for many cities. Although many people overlook it, Paris was also the first city in the world to introduce shared bicycles and cars, the Vélib' and Autolib'.   Problems that 21st century cities must solve Not only in Paris, but also in the entire world, there are many problems that cities must solve in the 21st century. Urbanization is still in progress worldwide, and as the population gathers in cities, the crises that cities must deal with are also increasing. A representative example is climate change. The temperature of the entire Earth is rising due to the greenhouse effect, and the heat experienced in cities where the urban heat island phenomenon occurs is even more serious. As air quality issues due to fine dust are also becoming a concern, we are checking related figures every day. Cities are not completely free from natural disasters. On the contrary, when floods, droughts, or earthquakes occur, the vulnerability of cities is clearly revealed.   Over the past few years, concerns about the health and safety of citizens have also increased as a result of the COVID-19 situation. With so many people crowded into small spaces, public hygiene has become an important topic once again. There is also deep concern about how the city can contribute to the healthy lives of its citizens. Paris, which has experienced terrorist attacks, is also sensitive to the important task of ensuring the safety of citizens from terrorist attacks. In addition, social and economic issues such as polarization, increasing social inequality, and unemployment cannot be overlooked. We must warmly embrace the dropouts and marginalized groups that arise in the process of fierce competition and manage them so that social tensions do not arise. It is also important to provide housing where citizens can live at affordable prices, and we are increasingly hearing about overtourism.   Despite the increasingly serious risks, or rather, to solve such problems, we must create cities that are economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. Cities around the world are paying attention to the new possibilities presented by digital transformation and innovation, represented by the development of information and communication technology, and recently, the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence, and are seeking answers to the problems faced by 21st century cities through the construction of smart cities. According to IDATE DigiWorld, a French think tank research institute, over 2024 billion dollars, or 100 trillion won, will be invested in smart cities worldwide in 900 alone.   Smart cities have various problems to solve. The total amount of energy consumed in cities must be reduced, and the proportion of renewable energy in energy production must be increased. The energy consumed by buildings is enormous, so much innovation and effort is still required. Carbon dioxide emissions, which cause the greenhouse effect, must be reduced, and measures to reduce greenhouse gases emitted when people move or move objects are considered. For example, cities that are good for walking are being created, and bicycle-only roads are being expanded. Through these efforts, not only can greenhouse gas emissions be reduced, but also fine dust can be limited, improving air quality. In addition, water resource utilization must be improved to effectively use increasingly scarce water resources and protect citizens from natural disasters. Waste generation must be minimized, and waste that is inevitably generated must be recycled as much as possible. Smart cities provide solutions to increase green space in desolate cities, and also include consideration for ecosystem diversity. Open data can be used to experiment with participatory democracy, and consideration and inclusion for the disadvantaged must not be forgotten.   Paris, a Sustainable Smart City Paris seeks to solve the problems faced by cities in the 21st century and create new milestones by combining sustainability with the concept of a smart city. The detailed blueprint can be found in the report “Paris, a Sustainable Smart City” published by the City of Paris. The first important block in the journey to make Paris a sustainable smart city is the “open city.” It seeks to use collective intelligence to think together about the problems of modern cities and find solutions. Citizens are always at the center of all these thoughts. It is also increasing opportunities for citizens to participate in planning and executing the city budget. Research and innovation are other important axes of the “open city.” Paris is an educational city where many students and researchers are based, and the city of Paris intends to continue supporting educational and research institutions. It is also making efforts to activate the startup and innovation ecosystem and is actively attracting overseas startups.   Paris aims to realize a 'connected city' and maximize the benefits of digital transformation. First, it is necessary to expand IT infrastructure. By 2025, all Parisians will be able to access high-speed Internet networks, both wired (fiber optic) and wireless (5G). As sensors become more widespread, the use of the Internet of Things is increasing, and data centers that can process and store massive amounts of data are essential. The city of Paris will open public data to citizens and businesses in the form of open data and encourage cooperation between public institutions and private companies. It is necessary to create and foster new talents needed in the fields of big data and artificial intelligence. In addition, digital education for the general public will be strengthened to prevent information gaps and marginalization due to digital illiteracy.

Current Status of Digital Transformation and Public Service Innovation in the Philippines

2024-09-30T17:19:30+09:002024.09.13|Overseas Smart City News|

Digitalization of public services and establishment of e-government system Progress in smart city development and expansion of 5G infrastructure The Philippine government has set digital transformation as a major national task and is promoting various e-government policies. Major government agencies such as the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Department of Health (DOH), and Philippine Statistics Korea (Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) are taking the lead in e-government, establishment of 5G infrastructure, development of smart cities, expansion of fintech and e-commerce, and enhancement of cybersecurity [...]

India actively pushing for introduction of smart meters

2024-09-30T17:19:14+09:002024.09.04|Overseas Smart City News|

As part of modernizing and improving efficiency of power infrastructure, increasing power demand and the need for smart meters India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Industrialization and urbanization are occurring rapidly, and as a result, the demand for power is also steadily increasing. With a population of approximately 14 billion, stable power supply is essential to support this economic growth in India. This requires the construction and modernization of large-scale power infrastructure. Traditional power metering systems rely on periodic manual meter readings, which results in low data accuracy and frequent power loss. The Indian government is strongly promoting the introduction of smart meters to solve these problems and increase the efficiency of power supply. There are several reasons for the introduction of smart meters in India. Among them, the limitations of the existing power metering system particularly increased the need for smart meters. Traditional power meters are operated by manual meter reading, which increases the possibility of errors in the data collection process. In addition, if meter readings are not conducted on time, it is difficult to accurately determine power consumption. These problems have prevented power companies from understanding consumers’ actual power usage in real time, making it difficult to predict demand and distribute power. Smart meters are a technological alternative that can solve these problems. This is because they can accurately identify power usage through real-time data collection and analysis. Smart meters allow power companies to more accurately forecast demand and maximize the efficiency of power supply. Smart meters also support the integration of renewable energy. India is a country with great potential for renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. Renewable energy has many advantages such as no risk of depletion and no environmental pollutants, but it has the disadvantage of being highly volatile due to the influence of weather. Real-time data collection is essential to manage the volatility of such energy sources. [...]

US Focuses on CCS Technology to Achieve Carbon Neutrality

2024-08-31T22:42:19+09:002024.08.16|Overseas Smart City News|

The US government is expanding policy support for the entire carbon capture and storage (CCS) industry value chain. CCS project linked to blue hydrogen production is expected to emerge as the largest carbon capture source in the US after 2030. As 'Net-Zero', which aims to achieve '2050' carbon emissions by 0 to respond to the climate crisis, has emerged as a key task for the international community, countries around the world are establishing strategies to achieve the goal through various policies and technologies. The US is planning to achieve [...]

UK, green growth through net zero strategy

2024-06-11T17:09:41+09:002024.05.09|Overseas Smart City News|

British government promotes policies to achieve net zero by 2050 Green growth through net zero policies in seven sectors Raise concerns about enormous implementation costs, U-turns on some policies, and prospects of companies falling short of carbon emissions targets For the first time, the Climate Change Act* was enacted, and to implement it, the Climate Change Committee (CCC) was established and a carbon neutral policy called Net-zero is being consistently pursued. Net zero refers to the emissions (+) and absorption (-) of greenhouse gases [...]

What is the current state of German e-government?

2024-05-16T10:23:10+09:002024.05.08|Overseas Smart City News|

An online approach was introduced to digitalize administrative services, but the results were insufficient. There is a possibility of cooperation with countries that have advanced e-government, so this is an opportunity for Korea as well. e-government uses information and communication technology (ICT) to automate government administrative tasks. The goal is to provide convenient information and services to citizens. In modern society, e-government improves government efficiency and productivity, enhances transparency and accountability, provides citizen-centered services, promotes economic growth and innovation, and promotes international [...]

Dutch hydrogen project trends

2024-06-12T11:06:44+09:002024.05.08|Overseas Smart City News|

Hydrogen Value Chain Project Continuous Development European Hydrogen Hub Efforts Focus Dutch Hydrogen Support Policy The Climate Agreement is the Dutch government's climate response policy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 2030% in 1990 compared to 49. This agreement stipulates that the Netherlands must secure at least 2030 GW (gigawatts) of electrolysis capacity (a process for producing eco-friendly hydrogen) by 4. The Netherlands is targeting 2032 GW of electrolysis capacity by 8. The government wants to encourage greater use of renewable hydrogen by setting aside $90 billion in its climate fund budget. [...]

A vision of a future city unfolding in Brazil, a visit to the 2024 Smart City Expo

2024-04-29T10:32:00+09:002024.04.09|Overseas Smart City News|

The future of smart cities seen through global cooperation: Sharing international cases and innovative ideas Leap toward sustainability: Urban reinvention through smart solutions Participation overview Smart City Expo Curitiba, Brazil's largest smart city event, will be held in 2024 It was successfully held from March 3 to 20 at the Cento de Evento Positivo event center in Barigui Park. [Source: Smart City Expo Curitiba website, KOTRA Sao Paulo Trade Center summary] Smart City [...]

Mexico, market opportunities seen through the 2024 Latin America Smart City Roadshow

2024-04-16T15:58:14+09:002024.04.05|Overseas Smart City News|

The second-largest smart city market in Central and South America after Mexico and Brazil. Mexico's smart city market is expected to grow by an average of 2% over the next five years. 5 Central and South American Smart City Roadshow Overview - Event name: 15 Central and South American Smart City Roadshow - Period and location: 2024 2024 2024-3 days per month / Bogotá, Mexico - Contents: Business consultations, market briefings, on-site visits, meetings, etc. - Field: Smart city, overall ICT field - Participation scale: 4 domestic companies, 8 buyers (Mexico City [... .]

Dutch digital economy showcases new technologies

2024-04-29T14:29:20+09:002024.04.03|Overseas Smart City News|

Possessing high-quality digital infrastructure technology Expanding ICT research and innovation ICT industry overview The Netherlands is a developed digital economy in Europe and has high-quality digital infrastructure. 80% of the Dutch population has at least some digital skills, which is much higher than the EU average of 54%. Many Dutch companies are taking advantage of digitalization and 80% of small and medium-sized enterprises have at least a basic level of digital strength. The Netherlands is also higher than the European average in high-tech sectors such as big data, cloud, and artificial intelligence for companies [...]

Texas to open 'smart highway' for self-driving cargo trucks within the year

2024-04-29T11:05:13+09:002024.04.03|Overseas Smart City News|

Texas, USA, plans to open a 'smart freight corridor' for self-driving cargo trucks by the end of 24 Leading the way in collaboration with self-driving infrastructure company 'Carvenu' Pilot operation planned in some sections of SH 130 north of Austin Global self-driving cargo truck market , expected to grow at an average annual rate of 32% until 17.5, reaching $53 billion. The US state of Texas plans to open the 'Smart Freight Corridor', the first highway for self-driving cargo trucks in the US, within this year. Local media in Texas [...]

Colombia Smart City Roadshow held

2024-03-18T12:59:25+09:002024.03.12|Overseas Smart City News|

Our company introduced smart city solutions to major Colombian companies and government officials. On March 3, we successfully held the Colombian Smart City Roadshow at the Bogotá Trade Center. In this roadshow, 7 Korean companies, government officials from Bogota, Cartagena, and Pasto, Colombia, and 5 buyers participated to discuss the technologies and items needed to introduce a smart city in Colombia. Key technologies discussed at the roadshow include security enhancement solutions using cutting-edge technologies such as IoT sensors and artificial intelligence, LED, and AI [...]

Japan's aging infrastructure maintenance, response to digitalization

2024-03-15T10:14:44+09:002024.03.07|Overseas Smart City News|

Maintenance of aging infrastructure is an important topic. Increasing demand for technology to supplement insufficient manpower and increase efficiency. Japanese infrastructure is aging. Japan's social infrastructure was largely built during the period of high growth in the 1950s and 70s, and is currently 50 years old after construction. Deteriorated infrastructure accounts for a significant proportion. The graph below shows the percentage of infrastructure such as road bridges, tunnels, and river management facilities that are more than 10 years old in 50-year increments, showing the overall deterioration of social infrastructure [...]

Philippines’ renewable energy revolution led by the National Renewable Energy Program (NREP)

2024-02-14T19:27:36+09:002024.02.13|Overseas Smart City News|

Pioneer of the Energy Transition: Philippines' Renewable Energy Development Strategy Policy Innovation and International Cooperation: Foundation for Sustainable Growth of the Philippines' Renewable Energy Sector Philippine Renewable Energy Trends The Philippines is rapidly emerging as a leader in the ASEAN region in the renewable energy sector. According to the latest data from Global Energy Monitor (GEM), the Philippines currently has an installed capacity of 1766 MW, ranking second in the ASEAN region after Vietnam in combined solar and wind power generation. In particular, the market size is expected to reach 2GW by 2024, and 9.8 MW by 2030 [...]

A preview of Spain’s MWC, the world’s largest mobile exhibition in 2024

2024-02-14T18:37:39+09:002024.02.05|Overseas Smart City News|

The number of visitors and participating companies has been increasing rapidly since COVID-1919. Under the theme of 'The Future Comes First', you can experience various latest mobile-related technologies. Overview of the 2024 Mobile World Congress Mobile World Congress (MWC) will be held at the Fira Barcelona International Exhibition Center in Barcelona, ​​Spain from February 2024 to 2, 26. The event, which began in 29, is considered one of the world's top three tech events along with CES in the United States and IFA consumer electronics show in Germany, and has been held in Barcelona since 1987 [...]