Check out the latest smart city policy information!

No. 3 (2020.03.31.)

Issue of the Month

With “Smart City” technology 

COVID-1919 Faster identification of the path of the confirmed person It will be accurate.”



  The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, the Ministry of Science and ICT, and the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will officially operate the 'COVID-1919 Epidemiological Investigation Support System' starting March 3.26.
The COVID-1919 Epidemiological Investigation Support System is a system that automates the epidemiological investigation procedures in accordance with the Infectious Disease Prevention and Management Act (hereinafter referred to as the Infectious Disease Prevention Act), and is a system that utilizes smart city research and development technology that collects and processes large-scale urban data.
Through this system, the results of interviews with confirmed patients can be supplemented, real-time analysis of big data is possible, allowing the movement of confirmed patients and the location of stay by time slot to be automatically identified, and large-scale outbreak areas (hot spots) can be identified.
By analyzing it, various statistical analyzes such as identifying the source of infection in the region become possible. 
  The Smart City Data Hub Platform, which is the basis of the COVID-1919 epidemiological investigation support system, is a large-scale urban data analysis tool developed through the 'Smart City Innovation Growth Engine Research and Development Project'. It analyzes various big data in each field within the city, such as transportation, energy, environment, and safety, in real time to create convergence and composite data essential for the 4th industrial revolution and is expected to be utilized to implement smart city services. 

Smart City Policy Trend

 Utilizing'Smart City Data Hub' 

Development of COVID-1919 Epidemiological Investigation Support System

20.03.11. / MOLIT / MSIT / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, Ministry of Science and ICT , The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is using smart city technology to combat COVID-19.19 It was revealed that it operates a system to support epidemiological investigations of confirmed cases..
  The system is transportation·energy·환경·Research in Daegu and Siheung, Gyeonggi-do to enable real-time analysis of various big data in each area of ​​the city, such as safety·Under development 'Smart data hub'I developed it using. Identify the path of movement of patients who have been confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Check on the map and quickly get COVID-19 related statistics19Support to respond to.
Smart City Startup Business Support Project 
December 20.03.17, XNUMX / MOLIT 
  Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport and Ministry of SMEs and Startups, etc. 4General citizens who are interested in starting up a smart city in the automotive industrial revolution, Contest to support startup commercialization for young students, etc.. Prospective founders selected for this competition 70Myeongeun prototype production, Maximize commercialization funds such as marketing 1Can receive XNUMX million won support. Also, Startup training suitable for the industry and various corporate complaints, You will also be able to receive support for a dedicated mentor with management know-how. Preliminary founder this yearBy removing the age limit of children and widening the range of opportunities for entrepreneurship to the middle-aged, The overall project cost has also increased 1Based on the founder 6You can get an additional million won
  Those who wish to participate in the support for smart city start-up companies 420By www.k-startup.go.krofSubmit a business plan through.

ICT-based artificial intelligence center city 

to make 'Arrival'

20.03.12. / Gwangju
  Gwangju Metropolitan City is hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT and organized by the Information and Communication Industry Promotion Agency. 'Local software(SW) Service commercialization support project'in 3Dog tasks are selected 2021By year 2Total year 36Receive a billion won budget.
  '지역 SWService commercialization support project'Jiangsu Information and Communication Technology in Silver Region(ICT)Targeting companies SWIt is a business that supports discovery and commercialization of new services based on.
Selected this time 3Dog task Virtual sensor-based industrial artificial intelligence safety management solution development Artificial intelligence-based production site programmable logic controller (PLC: Programmable Logic Controllers) Module and control program development It is an unmanned kitchen robot system based on an artificial intelligence store management platform..

fourIn the creation of the Internet of Things test field 

Join forces

20.03.10. / Incheon Metropolitan City
  정보 통신 산업 진흥원, Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority, Incheon Techno Park, etc. 3Dog agency recently 'Startup Park, Width' Link with business, IoT of promising companies(IoT) New technology·Service to be demonstrated in the field 'IoTBusiness agreement to create a test field'Signed.
  Accordingly, by the end of the year, Incheon Free Economic Zone(IFEZ) My Songdo International City Central Park area(about 63just), Demonstration road, Tomorrow City building and new port area IoT It will be used as a test field. In particular, the demonstration support lab will be created in the startup park based on the smart city platform and will be operated in conjunction with the smart city-based big data platform..

'Life-oriented urban regeneration smart technology 

'Support Project'

December 20.03.04, XNUMX / MOLIT
  The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport will hold a contest for the 'Life-friendly Urban Regeneration Smart Technology Support Project' from March 3 (Thu) to April 5 (Fri) to improve the settlement conditions and residents' convenience in the urban regeneration New Deal project area.

  The'Life-oriented Urban Regeneration Smart Technology Support Project' is a new project to be implemented from this year, with a government fund of up to KRW 5 million to the project site that will solve problems in vulnerable areas that lack infrastructure by applying smart technologies that are easy to commercialize with high residents' feelings. Support.

  The project site finally selected for the competition project will be able to solve current problems in the region by utilizing smart technologies for the four key areas, such as safety, firefighting, transportation, energy, environment, and life and welfare, which are closely related to the residents' lives.  
Promotion of regulatory sandbox for sustainable smart city business
20.03.26. / Security News
  Smart City is an urban model that can solve various urban problems, improve quality of life, and create innovative growth engines by integrating new technologies such as private data and big data and artificial intelligence into urban space. The government has been promoting the smart city industry development policy by selecting the smart city as one of the eight innovative growth engines of the Moon Jae-in government in 2017, and preparing a 'smart city promotion strategy' in 8 to start creating a national pilot smart city in Sejong and Busan. . 
  In particular, the government has amended the 'Smart City Act' twice (1st in July 2018, 7nd in April 2) in order to ease and eliminate regulations that hinder the introduction of innovative services to be implemented in smart cities. Through this, special cases related to 2019 new industries, such as shared vehicles and energy, were introduced within the smart city National pilot smart city, and the basis for the establishment of a public-private SPC was prepared, laying the groundwork for the smooth promotion of private-centered sustainable smart city projects.
Smart City Policy Project
Smart City GyuSandbox

  Sandboxin 'Sandbox'Is a sand playground where children can play freely in a safe environment(Sandbox)It is a term derived from. As such, the regulatory sandbox system is intended to release regulations on new services under limited conditions., Market Participants New Industries in a Relaxed Regulatory Environment·It is a system that enables pilot operation of new technology fields..
 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport is Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA), Together with the Architectural Urban Space Research Institute, to actively introduce these regulatory sandboxes to the creation of smart cities.La Javie, 2019It has been promoting the smart city regulatory sandbox activation business since XNUMX.. Smart city regulatory sandbox activation project is a national pilot city(Sejong 5-1The right to live, Busan Eco Delta City) Within 4New technology related to the car industrial revolution·It is a project that supports regulatory improvement and verification so that services can be implemented in advance.. Test of service·Through tests such as verification, we review the applicability of the pilot city and, The purpose is to successfully introduce the service to domestic smart cities in the future..
 The regulatory sandbox activation business 1Step business department 2It is promoted by dividing it into phased projects. 1Step business('19.8~'20.2)In healthcare through business competition, Mobility, Energy and environment, Education and jobs, A total of various fields such as life innovation using robots 18dog(세종 시 7dog, Busan 11dog) Selecting the empirical task, Establishment of demonstration scenarios near the pilot city·Established a demonstration plan such as simulation. 2Step business 20202Through the special regulatory system of the Smart City Act revised in January, 1Defer the regulation of the tasks selected in the stage, By supporting the demonstration of the project in the city center, it will ultimately provide new technologies and services within the National pilot smart city..


word, Yang Siwoong(Architectural Urban Space Research Institute/researcher)


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