○ The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport held an online inauguration ceremony on September 9th (Wednesday) at the Sejong National Research Complex to commission the Living Lab citizen participation group for the 'Smart Mobility Service Comprehensive Demonstration Project'.
○ The Living Lab Citizen Participation Group will directly and indirectly experience various smart mobility services that will be applied to the National Pilot Smart City in Sejong Smart City, and express various opinions from the user's perspective, such as surveys through smartphone apps, service evaluation, and presentation of requirements. .
○ The smart mobility service that Living Lab citizens will experience will be implemented in Sejong City 5 living area, which has similar spatial characteristics to Sejong City 1-1 living area, which is a national pilot smart city, and transportation infrastructure such as PM and BRT. There are 8 services including parking. This year, a smart intersection and smart crosswalk service will be built and operated first in the public, and the remaining six services are planned to be built and operated next year by a private-public special purpose corporation (SPC) that creates a smart city National pilot smart city. .