Energy sharing and transaction service based on smart community town and smart hub

business overview

Program Name Energy sharing and transaction service based on smart community town and smart hub
company name Replus Consortium draft type Smart demonstration project
type of exception Demonstration special case service type energy
Approval date 2021-07-28 Business start date 2021-07-28
Department in charge Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Regulatory Department Personal Information Protection Committee, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
Demonstration area Jeju Island
Regulatory exceptions
(Related regulations)
  • (Regulatory exceptions) Allowance of demonstration exceptions under the condition that KEPCO discusses charges for the use of transmission and distribution networks, secures safety in advance of mobile and fixed ESSs, and discusses them with the relevant departments in consideration of their intended use
  • (Applicable laws) Electricity Business Act, New Energy and Renewable Energy Development, Use, and Dissemination Promotion Act, Energy Use Rationalization Act, Electrical Appliances and Household Products Safety Management Act, Electrical Safety Management Act, Air Quality Conservation Act, Waste Management Act, etc.
business conditions
  • Related to the direct electricity transaction service between neighbors

① Since the direct electricity transaction between neighbors uses KEPCO's transmission and distribution network, the user has to pay the network fee. Losses and other expenses must be borne

  • Service related to selling ESS stored power to power consumers

② Electricity sales using ESS uses KEPCO's transmission and distribution network, so users must pay the network fee. You must pay the settlement fee, loss cost and other expenses

  • Related to power supply, sale, and rental service to power consumers using mobile ESS

③ If electricity is sold with a portable ESS charged with renewable energy and insufficient electricity is received from KEPCO, an electricity use contract between the consortium operator and KEPCO must be separately concluded in consultation with KEPCO.
④ Verification of safety through mobile ESS installation and operation standards (preliminary safety check, etc.)
⑤ All matters such as prior safety check, pre-use inspection and periodic inspection application and follow-up measures, and regular safety management are carried out under the responsibility of the owner
⑥ Restriction standards for each mobile ESS use, safety devices and charging status standards for moving
⑦ Comply with the safety standards for ESS batteries (KC 62619) through an electrical appliance safety certification agency
⑧ Must pass the ESS inspection standards in accordance with the Electrical Safety Management Act

  • Related to power supply, sale, and rental service to power consumers using fixed ESS

⑨ Businesses need to classify ESS by use (direct PPA, electric vehicle charging, etc.). ESS for direct PPA cannot receive supplementary supply because it is for the purpose of supplying renewable energy.

  • Recognition of additional means of implementation of RE100'

⑩ If a clear confirmation method for renewable energy production and use information is preemptively prepared to meet international standards such as global RE100, expand review as a means of implementing RE100

  • Reuse/recycling of new or used EV batteries

⑪ When a new battery is used in a portable ESS, it must meet the safety standards for ESS batteries (KC 62619) through an electrical appliance safety certification agency.
⑫ After using the waste battery, the battery reuse business operator or a third party conducts a total inspection, and the inspection standard needs to be applied in the same way as other regulatory sandboxes.
⑬ Pass the ESS inspection standards according to the Electrical Safety Management Act

Main Content Demonstration of energy sharing and transaction service based on smart community town and smart hub
concept diagram


Department in charge Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Urban Economics Department 044-201-3738
Regulatory Department Personal Information Protection Committee New Technology Personal Information Division 02-2100-3066
Regulatory Department Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Analytical Energy Department 044-203-5199
Regulatory Department Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Energy Safety Division 044-203-5293
Regulatory Department Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Telecommunications Product Safety Division 043-870-5445
Regulatory Department Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy electricity market and 044-203-5179
Dedicated organization Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) Smart City Infrastructure Development Room 031-389-6319