Ulsan City, 「Smart City Creation and Operation Ordinance」 Legislative Notice
Expectations to improve the quality of life of citizens and strengthen city competitiveness


Ulsan City announced that it would announce the 「Smart City Creation and Operation Ordinance」 on August 8 to improve citizens’ quality of life and urban competitiveness and contribute to the realization of a sustainable city.

The main contents of the ordinance include △smart city planning, △smart city infrastructure, △smart city integrated operation center, △smart city business council, and fostering and supporting smart city industry.

First, establish the basic direction, goal, and promotion strategy for smart city construction, and establish a smart city plan every five years, including the creation and management of smart city infrastructure suitable for Ulsan’s regional characteristics and status, and provision of smart city services. did.

In addition, a management and operation plan to efficiently manage smart city infrastructure was established, and a smart city integrated operation center was installed to link and integrate information systems for each smart city service sector to establish a cooperative system with related organizations.

Smart City Business Council to discuss matters related to smart city construction project implementation plan, smart city infrastructure management and operation, handover and completion inspection, etc. configure and operate

The council is chaired by the deputy mayor of economy and consists of no more than 25 members including public officials, related experts, and residents.

In addition, it supported the creation of a smart city in Ulsan and promoted the development of the information and communication technology (ICT) industry in the region, including promoting various policies to foster and support the local smart city industry.

This ordinance is expected to be promulgated and enforced during October after a legislative announcement by August 8, and then a resolution by the ordinance and regulation council and the city council.

An official from Ulsan City said, “As the contents necessary for the creation and operation of a smart city are enacted as an ordinance, it is expected that it will be possible to promote the smart city project more quickly and systematically. We will create Ulsan, a smart city where citizens can experience a safer and more convenient daily life.”


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