– Preemptive detection and response of risk factors in private small and medium-sized construction sites and old buildings, exempted from mandatory safety management
➀ Private small and medium-sized construction sites: AI-based CCTV analysis 'intelligent monitoring system' introduced in 100 places
➁ Private old buildings: 'Structure safety diagnosis platform' using IoT and block chain to start operation at the end of this year
➂ Establishment of 'Safety Management Integrated Information System' for computerized management of safety inspection history of private construction sites and buildings


□ Introduce 'smart safety management' to private small and medium-sized construction sites and private old and dangerous buildings, which are considered blind spots for safety management because the Seoul Metropolitan Government is excluded from the subject of mandatory safety inspection.

□ It is a safety management method of a new paradigm that detects accidents and risk factors in advance without large-scale cost and manpower input using 4th industrial technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and block chain.

The goal is to preemptively prevent risk factors before they lead to large-scale damage through prompt initial response.

○ Private construction sites: Safety management such as establishment of safety management plans and permanent resident supervisors are compulsory in accordance with relevant laws such as the Building Act, Construction Technology Promotion Act, and Occupational Safety and Health Act. Currently, 1% of the 3,500 private construction sites in Seoul are small and medium-sized construction sites that are in the safety blind spot.

○ Old private buildings: Small and medium-sized buildings with 15 stories or less and a total floor area of ​​less than 3 m88 are mostly excluded from regular inspection compulsory buildings in accordance with relevant laws such as the Building Act and the Special Act on Facility Safety Management. 52% of all buildings in Seoul (about XNUMX dong), accounting for the majority.

Among them, more than half of buildings older than 30 years require constant safety management (26 dong).

□ In private small and medium-sized construction sites, an 'intelligent monitoring system' in which AI analyzes the CCTV of the construction site and immediately alerts the site manager in case of a dangerous situation will be introduced next year as a pilot test in 100 places.

At the end of the year, a trial introduction of a 'blockchain-based safety diagnosis platform for dangerous structures' in which IoT sensors and block chains automatically detect risk factors such as slopes and cracks and notify alarms in old and dangerous buildings in the private sector will be introduced.

□ The 'Integrated Information System for Safety Management', which systematically manages safety inspection records of private construction sites and private buildings by computer, will also be operated in April next year. In the meantime, each inspection subject, such as an autonomous district, has been managed separately.

□ The city expects to be able to efficiently and quickly respond to risks that increase year by year by converting the safety management paradigm, which used to be selectively and limitedly inspected with limited manpower, to preemptive prevention and real-time management.

The limited public management manpower and budget limits can also be overcome.

○ Currently, while there are 26 dong and 3,500 private construction construction sites in Seoul that require public safety management, the total number of manpower in 25 autonomous districts that manage them is 155 people (including 43 professional manpower). And the budget is limited.

□ The main contents of the 'Smart Building Safety Management' announced by the Seoul Metropolitan Government are ① 'Intelligent Monitoring (CCTV+AI) System' for safety management of private small and medium construction sites ② 'Internet of Things (IoT)' for safety management of old and dangerous buildings in the private sector )+blockchain-based safety management platform for dangerous structures' ③It is a 'safety management integrated information system' that integrates and manages the safety inspection history of private construction sites and private old buildings.

○ This 'smart safety management' countermeasure was derived through continuous discussion by operating the 'smart construction safety management advisory group' composed of experts in the field of smart safety technology. The advisory group (head Chan-sik Park, professor of architecture at Chung-Ang University) was launched last July.
* 14 persons in total including Seoul Metropolitan Government, Chung-Ang University Construction Technology Innovation Lab, Seoul Institute of Technology, Land Safety Management Agency, Occupational Safety and Health Agency, Korea Information and Communication Corporation Association, architects, construction companies, local governments, etc.


□ First, the 'intelligent monitoring (CCTV+AI) system' introduced in private small and medium-sized construction sites is a system in which artificial intelligence (AI) analyzes CCTV images of construction sites to determine dangerous situations and automatically alerts the site. am.

○ Most of the private construction sites close to daily life include hazardous processes such as excavation and dismantling that can cause casualties in the event of an accident.

※ Cases of major building collapse and safety accidents at construction sites

○ Large construction companies are actively introducing a smart safety management system to strengthen on-site safety management in relation to the Severe Disaster Act, which will be enforced from next year. The reality is that there is no

□ AI analyzes dangerous situations such as construction site workers not wearing safety equipment such as hard hats and safety rings, not securing a safe distance between workers and heavy equipment vehicles, and workers breaking into the access control area, and sends an alert notification by text message to the site manager. As soon as the manager receives the notification, he or she can respond quickly on the spot.

○ The collected CCTV images will be used only as data for system advancement to make risk identification more precise and accurate through AI deep learning.

□ Considering that the most common safety accidents at construction sites are fall accidents* (61%) caused by non-wearing of safety equipment such as helmets and safety rings, this system enables real-time monitoring of safety equipment, such as wearing safety equipment. It is expected to have a great effect in proactively preventing accidents.

○ In the past, there was a limit in managing all situations because the construction site agent and supervisor had to grasp the dangerous situation of the site one by one with the naked eye.

In addition, it is practically difficult for a person to directly control thousands of CCTVs at hundreds of sites.
* As a result of analysis of fatal accidents in the construction industry in 2018, 284 cases (61%) fall, 50 cases (11%), hit 48 cases (10%), crash 17 cases (4%), collapse 13 cases (3%) , 10 cases of electric shock (2%), 8 cases of fire/explosion (2%).

□ The Seoul Metropolitan Government made it mandatory for small and medium-sized private construction sites to install CCTVs during excavation and dismantling in February of this year for the first time in the country, explaining that it is upgrading the efficiency of safety management with smart technology.

□ The Seoul Metropolitan Government will develop this system with the Seoul Digital Foundation and apply it on a trial basis to about 22 small and medium-sized private construction sites, four for each autonomous district, from May 5.

After verifying the performance and efficiency of the system through a pilot project, the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology will be promoted from '23.

After that, the plan is to gradually expand the application to all small and medium-sized private construction sites in Seoul.

○ The Seoul Digital Foundation has developed an 'artificial intelligence-based sewer pipe defect detection system' that automatically identifies defects in CCTV images of sewage pipes using 'computer vision technology' that a computer recognizes images and images.

○ The city plans to select a pilot project site through a demand survey of small and medium-sized private construction sites that hope to introduce the system in April-May next year.

○ During the pilot project period, if the AI ​​determines whether or not the basic safety rules such as not wearing safety equipment are complied with, the appropriateness of installation of safety temporary facilities such as work scaffolds and safety railings, check whether opening or closing openings, Fire prevention measures will also be identified.


< 'Structure safety diagnosis platform' to manage old and dangerous buildings using the Internet of Things + block chain>

□ Second, the 'blockchain-based dangerous structure safety diagnosis platform', which is introduced to old and dangerous buildings in the private sector, is a technology that combines the Internet of Things (IoT) and block chain to detect and prevent risk factors in old private buildings in real time and automatically. there is a system The build will be completed this November.

□ When an IoT sensor is attached to a building to measure slope and crack data in real time, the blockchain network stores and analyzes this data to verify accuracy and analyze changes in the structure.

When a danger is detected, it is possible to take precautionary measures by sending an alert to the autonomous district and building owners by text message.

It is possible to monitor and inquire the structure status and real-time data at any time with a PC or smartphone.

□ In the past, it was a method of inspecting old buildings on site, one by one, but in the future, it is expected that this system will recognize dangerous situations in advance and take a preemptive response.

In addition, 'blockchain' technology prevents forgery and falsification at the source, enabling transparent history management of data.

○ Existing IoT data was exposed to security risks and had limitations in that data forgery and falsification verification was impossible, but accuracy and security are further strengthened with blockchain technology, which increases reliability of data.

It is expected that the causes of various safety accidents will be accurately identified and disputes resulting from them will be minimized.

□ First of all, in December this year, the city tested about 30 buildings (buildings), including disaster risk facilities with low safety ratings (D and E grades), small old private buildings that were built 120 years ago, and housing slopes such as retaining walls and artificial slopes. apply

From '22, the plan is to expand to about 900 old buildings (dongs) that require measurement and management throughout Seoul. Targets are selected for each autonomous district and implemented after obtaining prior consent from the building owner.

○ Starting from Jungnang-gu in September this year, Seoul City will attach IoT sensors to about 9 old private buildings in 25 autonomous districts.

After that, after completing the platform construction by November, it will be operated in earnest from December. The plan is to support the preemptive and stable establishment of a digital-based building safety management system in each autonomous district.


<Comprehensive inspection and management of private construction sites and buildings in Seoul 'Safety Management Integrated Information System'>

□ Third, 'Integrated Information System for Safety Management' is a platform that comprehensively and systematically inspects and manages private construction sites and old and dangerous buildings in Seoul. It will be built in April next year.

□ Information on private construction sites and old buildings owned by each institution can be checked in one place, and the time that a safety accident is transmitted to related persons is greatly reduced from 5 to 10 minutes to less than 30 seconds, speeding up initial response.

In addition, the safety inspection history, which has been managed manually, is computerized to manage systematically and increase work efficiency.

□ The main functions of the 'Integrated Safety Management Information System' are: ▴Information on the current status and location of private construction sites and old and dangerous buildings in Seoul ▴Real-time monitoring of construction site CCTV+AI and building IoT measurement data ▴Safety inspection history management ▴Construction site/user Information management ▴In the event of a safety accident, it is transmitted in real time.

○ Information on the status of private construction sites and dangerous buildings: Based on GIS (geographic information system), location information of private construction sites and old and dangerous buildings in Seoul is provided as a web service.

Although it was difficult to comprehensively grasp the current status of construction sites, which were to be managed by 25 districts, with 5 construction sites per year and 1 buildings per year, it is expected that information retrieval and utilization will become more convenient through the system in the future.

Reflecting these difficulties, the city designed this information system so that real-time communication with the site is possible and efficient safety inspection and management can be carried out.

○ CCTV+AI/IoT measurement data monitoring: When a dangerous situation occurs, it is displayed in the information system by interworking with the 'intelligent monitoring (CCTV+AI) system' and 'blockchain-based risk structure safety diagnosis platform'.

○ Construction site and user information management: By managing the emergency contact network for construction personnel at each construction site, a hotline can be established between the construction site and the city/region, and information on the status of construction equipment and types of safety accidents can be viewed.

In addition, it manages the current status of the building safety advisory group and the status of construction related parties such as builders and supervisors for each facility.

○ Safety inspection history management: This is a space where the contents of on-site inspections are computerized and monitored in real time.

The self-governing district will enter the on-site inspection contents for private construction sites and buildings in real time on mobile, and the construction officials and facility subjects will immediately input the action results for the pointed out matters.

○ Real-time transmission: When a safety accident occurs, the content is transmitted in real-time to Seoul, autonomous districts, and construction sites. In the past, when an accident occurred, it was a method of contacting each person by wire, grasping the situation, and then taking action.

In the process, it took time because the accident was spread to the Seoul Disaster Safety Situation Room → Regional Construction Safety Center → autonomous district.

For example, in the event of a major disaster, it is possible to quickly identify the status of equipment at the construction site through the system and put it into the field without having to ask questions one by one to mobilize heavy equipment to be put into the site.

□ The Seoul Metropolitan Government plans to analyze and manage construction site data accumulated in the 'Safety Management Integrated Information System' to prepare a plan to rationalize safety management, and to use it in various ways, such as establishing a response system in case of a safety accident.

○ So far, despite the existence of a lot of data, their data management has not been done effectively.

Safety inspections also differed greatly depending on individual capabilities. It is used to prevent safety accidents by systematizing safety management through effective analysis of data such as existing safety inspection records, accident records, and CCTV images (images) and predicting when and how workers may be injured.

□ In addition, it integrates and connects Seumteo, the construction construction safety management comprehensive information network (CSI), and other safety inspection systems, which are frequently used by construction personnel.

In this way, it is expected that field work will be greatly simplified as there is no need to input, check, or report duplicate data.

□ Meanwhile, the city of Seoul has continued to improve the site-oriented system for the safety management of private construction sites and old private buildings, which have been considered as blind spots for safety management.

○ Private construction sites: It is mandatory to report the start of all dismantling construction sites, check whether safety temporary facilities such as CCTVs and temporary fences are installed, and approve the start of construction.

The subject of mandatory resident supervision has also been expanded to all buildings subject to dismantling permit. Every year, safety inspections are carried out for about 5 construction sites.

○ Private old buildings: Since '19, 'visiting safety inspection' has been conducted free of charge for small private buildings.

When a risk factor that is vulnerable to safety is found, it is also supporting a precise safety diagnosis that guides the optimal repair and reinforcement plan. It also produced and distributed repair and reinforcement manuals for citizens who lack information on building safety management.

In addition, it supports safety inspections for 1 dong every year.

□ Kim Seong-bo, head of the Seoul Housing and Architecture Office, said, “The city of Seoul has put the safety of citizens first, and has continuously implemented system improvement and on-site safety inspections for the safety management of old, dangerous buildings and private construction sites.

Nevertheless, the aging of buildings is getting worse and the accidents at construction sites in complex downtown areas do not stop, so it is necessary to prepare countermeasures. We will prevent accidents,” he said.


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