– Creating a safe and convenient transportation environment with advanced transportation technology –
□ By utilizing cutting-edge technologies in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, such as artificial intelligence and big data, we are building an intelligent transportation system infrastructure that communicates further than accommodating new means of transportation such as autonomous vehicles,
ㅇ Mid- to long-term plans to create a safer and more convenient transportation environment, such as providing smart transportation services tailored to the needs of various users, are being promoted.
□ The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport held a cabinet meeting presided over by the Prime Minister on 10.19 (Tue). 「Intelligent Transport System Master Plan 2030」reported and confirmed.
□ The Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is a transportation system that improves traffic flow and promotes traffic safety by applying advanced technology to transportation means and facilities such as automobiles and roads.
ㅇ The 「Intelligent Transport System Basic Plan」 is a 10-year statutory plan in accordance with the 「National Integrated Transport System Efficiency Act」, and is a promotion strategy for the development and dissemination of intelligent transport systems for each transport sector, including automobiles, roads, railroads, aviation, and sea.
ㅇ Following the first plan in '00 (「Intelligent Transport System 1」) and the second plan for '21 (「Intelligent Transport System 11」), the 2rd plan was established this time.
□ This 「Intelligent Transport System Basic Plan 2030」 was established with the vision of 'providing eco-friendly, safe and uninterrupted people-centered transport services' with 2030 as the target year.
ㅇ If the existing intelligent transportation system collects information on the operation of transportation means such as automobiles by transportation facilities, it only provides one-way delivery to users.
ㅇ In the future, it is possible to increase the accuracy of information collected and provided in real time through complex and two-way communication between transportation facilities and means by using advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), while enhancing the utilization and efficiency of transportation services. becomes
□ The main contents of 「Intelligent Transport System Basic Plan 2030」 are as follows.
1. Establishment of infrastructure for introducing new means of transportation in the future
ㅇ Establish infrastructure for the smooth introduction and activation of new means of transportation, such as autonomous vehicles and urban air mobility (UAM).
– In preparation for the commercialization of fully autonomous driving (Lv.27) in '4, from this year, C-ITS communication infrastructure will be built on major roads (highways, etc.) An authentication system** is also established to support the smooth operation of autonomous vehicles.
* Communication method is LTE-V2X method demonstration, Dual Mode (WAVE+LTE-V2X) pilot project on major highways, set a single standard and promote nationwide deployment ('24~)
** A system that allows V2X information sharing only for vehicles and infrastructure for which certificates (registration, security) have been issued to secure the security of autonomous cooperative driving communication
– Prepare for UAM’s full-scale utilization by preparing standards for the structure and facilities of UAM’s boarding facilities featuring vertical take-off and landing in the city center, and building a city 3D map for safe operation and efficient operation in the city center.
2. Resolving blind spots in traffic safety with advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence
ㅇ Establish a pre- and post-integrated safety management system to strengthen traffic safety in major transportation facilities.
– A road condition management system that provides risk information to drivers by expanding the smart CCTV monitoring system that detects unexpected situations such as reverse driving with artificial intelligence to major sections, and detecting real-time road surface conditions (icing, etc.) and obstacles (falling rocks, etc.) to strengthen road traffic safety.
▲Smart CCTV monitoring system
▲ Road condition management system
– Introduce an electronic warning system that judges the traffic flow of a railroad crossing and judges dangerous situations on its own, and establishes a linkage system with traffic signals on adjacent roads. Prevent crossing accidents.
3. Laying the foundation for providing user-customized services
ㅇ Support for convenient and efficient movement by reflecting the characteristics of users' demand.
– By developing an indoor positioning system that collects user behavior data from indoor and underground locations by '23, we will promote the provision of customized guidance services for railroad users, such as providing individual railroad users' movement route guidance services.
▲Indoor positioning system and individual railroad user guidance system
– Smart airports such as implementing a customized virtual assistant service that provides the optimal travel route from home to the airport gate through mobile based on artificial intelligence, and expanding the introduction of autonomous/following driving-based passenger luggage carrying cart robots (~ 25) To improve the convenience of using air transportation through construction.
4. Support for overseas expansion of domestic intelligent transportation systems
ㅇ In connection with the ODA project, support the overseas export of railway operation and safety management technology, and support domestic companies related to marine digital technology, such as intelligent maritime traffic information service, to enter overseas markets, thereby creating a Korean-style ITS export ecosystem.
□ Meanwhile, 「Intelligent Transport System Basic Plan 2030」 is scheduled to be announced in the official gazette in October. After that, it will continue to establish and promote implementation plans by year along with the Intelligent Transport System Basic Plan for each transport sector, including automobiles, roads, railroads, aviation, and sea.
□ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport General Transportation Policy Officer Ahn Seok-hwan said, “Through the establishment of this master plan for the intelligent transportation system, it is expected that the transportation system will be upgraded so that people can move more safely and conveniently from the origin to the destination.”
ㅇ He said, “We will carry out the detailed tasks of the master plan in each sector without any setbacks so that the advanced transportation system that the people have envisioned can be realized.”