□ Briefing session outline
ㅇ Share and guide public offering plans for innovative technology discovery projects that are led by companies, universities and citizens with innovative technologies to solve local urban problems
ㅇ Business explanation and Q&A for preparing the 22 business plan


☞ Source: LH Korea Land and Housing Corporation YouTube (2022.01.25.)



☞ Go to 「Smart City Innovation Technology Exploration Project」 Announcement

☞ Go to the presentation of the smart city innovation technology discovery project in 2022


※ In relation to this project, between companies and universities with innovative technologies (technology supply) and local governments (technology demand) Technology and information exchangeto facilitate Bulletin boardis operating. We ask for your interest and participation so that the innovative technology (solution) possessed by companies and universities can be promoted through the bulletin board, and local problems and technology demands of local governments can be presented.

☞ Go to “Smart City Innovation Technology Discovery Project Technology Proposal (Technology Exchange) Bulletin Board”