Smart Mobility, Smart Parking Makes Smarter Road Traffic

Drone exhibition held concurrently, examining the possibility of drone mobility

About the exhibition

The Intertraffic Amsterdam exhibition is a historic exhibition that began in 1972 and is the world's largest exhibition in the field of road traffic. It is held every two years. It was scheduled to be held in 2020, but due to the COVID-1919 pandemic, the offline exhibition was postponed to 2022. As soon as the Dutch government lifted its COVID-3 restrictions in mid-March, the offline exhibition was held for four days from March 19 to April 3. Meanwhile, the exhibition is held not only in Amsterdam, but also in Beijing, China, Istanbul, Turkey, and Mexico City, Mexico, with different years and dates.

<Exhibition Overview>

[Source: Exhibition website]

<Exhibition billboard>

[Source: KOTRA Amsterdam Trade Center shooting]

Exhibition composition

This year's Intertraffic Amsterdam exhibition consisted of five areas. SMART MOBILTY, PARKING, ROAD SAFETY, INFRASTRUCTURE, TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT, etc. In addition, the drone exhibition, AMSTERDAM DRONE WEEK (March 5-3) was An attempt was made to expand the exhibition area. Meanwhile, along with various conferences, a pitching ITSUP event participated by 29 transportation-related startups was also held, adding to the spectacle.

Participating countries and visitor trends

By country, most of the participating companies were European countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, France, Austria, the UK, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States. In Asian countries, except for Korea, it was difficult to find offline participating companies. About 70 Chinese and 20 Taiwanese companies were registered, but most participated online. The countries participating in the group pavilion are Korea, France, and Italy (Campania region).

<Italy Campania Regional Pavilion>

[Source: KOTRA Amsterdam Trade Center shooting]

<French National Pavilion>

[Source: KOTRA Amsterdam Trade Center shooting]

The number of visitors before the COVID-1919 pandemic was usually around 3, but on the first day of the exhibition, there were not many visitors, and it was difficult to find visitors from Asia. It seemed that there were many restrictions on participating in and visiting offline exhibitions due to COVID-19, except for countries near Europe, as movement is still not free.

<Exhibition Sketch>

[Source: provided by the organizer]

<Exhibition Sketch>

[Source: KOTRA Amsterdam Trade Center shooting]

Korean company participation trend

The Korea Road Association organized and participated in the Korea Pavilion with 13 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Individual participating companies were around 5 companies. Among the exhibits of Korean companies, road safety related products such as road signs, guard rails, sign boards, and smart lamps were the most common. A lot of IT hardware and software products related to road traffic, such as driver feedback systems and traffic volume sensors, also stood out.

Company A, which produces road signs and reflective paper for road safety, participated in the management of existing European buyers and discovery of new buyers, and Company B, which produces and installs mechanical parking towers, is an opportunity in a niche market where smart parking-related products are the trend of the exhibition. expected to find In particular, he said that he felt that the change to a smart parking method using IoT sensors, big data, payment technology, and cloud technology was rapidly progressing when coming to the exhibition rather than expected. Participating Korean companies also added advice that it is important to interact with other competitors and buyers in the same field by examining the themes and characteristics of each pavilion in advance in order to participate in the exhibition.

<View of the Korean Pavilion>

[Source: KOTRA Amsterdam Trade Center shooting]

<View of the Korean Pavilion>

[Source: KOTRA Amsterdam Trade Center shooting]

Exhibit Trend

Although legacy products such as road safety equipment and equipment, road construction equipment, and traffic control systems still fill a lot of space in the exhibition, in terms of atmosphere, smart mobility has emerged as a new strong field of the exhibition, making the Intertraffic Amsterdam exhibition more like an IT exhibition. was reminiscent of In particular, hardware and software products related to smart parking and parking payment seemed to be the center of the exhibition.

In reflection of this trend, the organizer of the exhibition held a separate symposium with the theme of parking (the future of parking, curve management, electric vehicle charging, statistics on vehicles obstructing parking, etc.) and held a pitching event for related startups.

Meanwhile, the drone exhibition AMSTERDAM DRONE WEEK (March 3-29) was held at the same location to explore the potential of drones emerging as an alternative to future mobility and to give diversity to the exhibition.

<Smart Mobility Exhibition Hall>

[Source: KOTRA Amsterdam Trade Center shooting]

<Startup Pitching Event Venue>


<Drone Exhibition Hall>

[Source: KOTRA Amsterdam Trade Center shooting]

The Intertraffic Amsterdam exhibition is held every other year, with the next exhibition scheduled for April 2024-4, 16. The event will also be held in Mexico City this November and in Istanbul in June 19. For Korean companies wishing to participate in the next exhibition, please refer to the contact information below.

ㅇ (Homepage)

ㅇ (Participation in the Korean Pavilion) Korea Road Association International Road Center (02-3490-1053)

ㅇ (Individual participation) Inter-Traffic Exhibition Korean agency (02-778-6792/

Written by: Shin Chul-shik, KOTRA Amsterdam Trade Center

Source:, Comprehensive data from KOTRA Amsterdam Trade Center


☞ Source: kotra overseas market news