Smart City Integrated Platform - National Fire Agency Multimedia 119 Reporting System Establishment
Sejong Special Self-Governing City (Mayor Choi Min-ho) will operate the 'Integrated Trade Center (platform)' that builds and supports an intelligent (smart) city safety net and the 'Direct Link between the National Fire Agency multimedia 119 reporting system' from this month for the first time in the country.
The multimedia 119 reporting system is a system that can easily report emergency situations anytime, anywhere using text messages, applications (apps), and video calls, excluding voice calls. operated
Unlike the past, when an incident or accident was reported by calling 119 when an incident or accident was discovered during CCTV monitoring at the Urban Integrated Information Center, in the future, it will be possible to report 119 directly from the integrated platform through linkage between systems.
When 119 is reported on the integrated platform, it is received in the National Fire Agency multimedia 119 reporting system, and the contents of the report are transmitted from the National Fire Agency to the local fire department.
By linking with the National Fire Agency, it is possible to report more quickly, securing golden time, and since the exact location and details are provided, the situation can be delivered more clearly than reporting by phone.
In addition, closed-circuit television photos near the incident/accident site are also delivered, making it easy for the fire department to grasp the situation at the site.
As of now, the integrated platform of Sejong City has five major linked services: ▲ 112 emergency video support service ▲ 112 emergency dispatch support service ▲ 119 emergency dispatch support service ▲ socially vulnerable support service ▲ emergency response support service for disaster situations.
"We will continue to expand services linked to the integrated platform," said Mayor Choi Min-ho.