Selected as 23 drone companies for drone commercialization support project in 17


Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport(Minister Won Hee-ryong) and Institute of Aviation Safety Technology(Director Lee Dae-seong) this year commercialization of drones Competition for support projects(1.20~2.28, 34 companies applied) 17dog drone company* was selected.


* Ducitek, Hojeong Solution, starman, During, PABLO AIR, Sky Enterprise, Korean Air Association, Virobot, Hancom InSpace, marine drone technology, Duta technique, Camtik Advanced Institute of Technology, Wuhan Information Technology, Meisa, Narma, Hexa Factory, cinerex


□ MOLIT has been Business model demonstration to promote early commercialization of excellent drone technology을 통해 Support excellent companiesand Upbringinghas been promoting a drone commercialization support project* that


* Number of companies supported (budget): 18 in 7 (KRW 40 billion), 19 in 13 (KRW 55 billion), 20 in 13 (KRW 40 billion), 21 in 13 (KRW 40 billion), ’22 14 per year (KRW 48 billion), 23 in 17 (KRW 48 billion)


ㅇ In the meantime swarm flight technology, surveillance and search technology, gimbal(a type of leveling device) And parachute skills, A.I. object recognition Various excellent drone technologies have been developed and commercialized. dronedriving the growth of the industry.


ㅇ This year, drones Public Utilization Expansion Division Advanced technology development, Drone Performance and Leisuresports trainingfor


- 'ultra precision GPS correction signal(KASS) receive development·substantiation,Autonomous air avoidance device,Development of domestic high-efficiency drone motor,Development of drone leisure sports', etc. during the contest for support projects prioritysuggested by


- As a result Precise Drone Flightthat enables kass receiver development, between drones Development of air avoidance and safety distance maintenance device, High-efficiency single-phase DC drone motor localization development, etc. with advanced technology development,


– Combining virtual and real Public And water drone light show, etc. advanced droneperformance developed and new Drone sports game developmentAs this is promoted,


–K-drone technologyincorporated into our lives domestic Expansion of drone service marketexpected to be

□ New this time Selected Drone CompanyThe excellent tasks of the project are as follows, and the government subsidies are differentiated (less than 3.5 million won) depending on the size and appropriateness of the project.


[Ducitek] Provides ultra-precise GPS location information developed by MOLIT Aviation satellite service(KASS) signal reception by verifying 'KASS drone GPS receiving set' practical use


[STaman] Development of high-efficiency single-phase DC motor, [During] 12Kwclass high efficiency motor localization


[Hancom InSpace] between different types safe distance maintainand can fly Development of autonomous air avoidance device

[PABLO AIR] Combining virtual and reallight show and platooning, etc. peak drone performance development


[marine drone technology] Development of fish-finding drone technology and demonstration at sea


[Korean Air Association] Development of digital video transmission and reception drone racing equipment


[Virobot] As a new drone sport Drone survival game development And commercialization


ㅇ In addition, following last year [Camtik Advanced Institute of Technology] Advancement of drone soccer game, [infinite informationTechnology] Drone operating platform, [Hexa Factory] micro drone parachute, [cinerex] high-precision positioning device, [Meisa] On-site management integrated solution, [Narma] emergency deliverysystem Such as commercializationcontinuing supportdo.



Kim Young-guk Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Aviation Policy Officeris “we drone technologythis gradually AdvancementBecame Nurturing to demonstrate precise performanceand, drone performancedrone leisure sportsnot only domestic but also world-wide K-Growing as a drone cultureSo that 지원I will,” he said.


ㅇ “Based on creativity and high technology, Korea leads the change in the future societydrone companies to Active drone technology developmentof please” did.

☞  Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport