– The Korean government revealed its willingness to participate in and support the reconstruction project in Ukraine –

– Proposal to the EU Commission to strengthen cooperation in the public transport sector –


Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport(Minister Won Hee-ryong) Lee Seong-hae, chairperson of the metropolitan area and regional transportation committeeFor two days from March 3th Rebuilding Ukrainian transport infrastructuresupply planof ArgumentTo high-level talksannounced that they would attend.


o This high-level meeting was held in the Ukrainian border region in Poland. Jessup-night timeOnka regionin Polish Ministry of Infrastructureand under the OECD International Transport Forum(ITF) public hostIt will be held in the UK, USA, Japan, Germany, France, Ukraine, etc. 32Countriesof loanattendI will do it.


ㅇ This meeting is one of the 교통·logistics infrastructure reconstruction And development planThis is an international conference that focuses on discussing 우크라이나of Infrastructure reconstruction demand, for strengthening global connectivity Infrastructure construction plan, international communitythis long and short termto 지원doing measures plans to discuss.


our countryIn particular, 우크라이나 And Meetings with major western countries을 통해 Our Postwar Reconstruction Experienceadvanced transportation·Logistics competency My back promotionand, Willingness to participate in reconstruction projectsrelayplan to do


□ After the meeting Warsaw, PolandGo to '20 POSCO E & Cbeat this European company. OrdersPoland's largestof waste incinerator construction site find,


Check construction statusand on-site officialsWhile encouraging them, we plan to ask them to be more thorough in quality and safety management until completion in January next year.


Meanwhile, Chairman Seonghae Leein Brussels, Belgium, on March 3, ahead of the silver talks. europeUnion Executive Committee General Administration of Transportation(Mobility and Transport of European Commission) visitSo, Recent Issues in Public TransportationPolicy directionwill be discussed


ㅇ In particular, Post COVID-19, eco-friendly policy in line with the changing public transport environment. public transport policydirection to goto share opinions about and create a more convenient public transportation system amidst these changes. -EU cooperation betweenstrengthen plan to propose


Chairman Seonghae LeeEun said, “Through this business trip, I have experience and know-how from many countries. EU executive committeewith smooth traffic·Logistics system establishment planand entered overseas I will meet our workers and carefully check if there are any difficulties before returning.”he said.


□ Meanwhile, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Won Hee-ryong said, “Through this meeting involving the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, Overseas each countryUkraine transportlogistics infra discussing the reconstruction plan. Korean government active willingness to participatepass on, Us Basis for corporate participation in reconstruction projectsI will strengthen,” he said,


ㅇ “Starting with this meeting, Korea's Post-War Reconstruction experienceof Ukrainian government And ITFincluding international organizationWe will actively share it with you.”


☞  Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport