1. Business targeted for support
- Project name: 2023 regionally-led smart city regulatory sandbox
- Project details: Technology/service demonstration cost support for regulatory improvement necessary for application of technology/solution reflecting regional characteristics to solve urban problems
- Amount of support: 3 or less projects, 5 million won for each demonstration project, within a total of 15 billion won
2. Eligibility
- Local governments and companies with innovative technologies jointly form a consortium to apply
* For details, refer to the attached application guidelines
3. How to apply
- Submission date: April 2023 (Tue) - May 4 (Wed) 18:5, 17
- Submission place: Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) Smart City Industry Support Center (consignment agency)
- Submission method: electronic submission (dark@kaia.re.kr)
4. Selection Procedure and Selection Criteria: Refer to the Competition Guidelines (attached)_Go to the announcement below
5. Notice
- In the case of submitting application documents, only electronic documents sent on the deadline are valid, and those arriving after that date are not eligible.
- After the announcement of the selection results, if it is confirmed that the selection was made through fraudulent methods, such as forgery, falsification, or false description of all or part of the submitted documents, the selection can be canceled.
- Documents received during the application period will not be returned.
- All disadvantages caused by errors or omissions in the submitted documents or inability to contact the applicant are considered the responsibility of the applicant.
- For other details, please contact the Urban Economy Division of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (044-201-4842, 3738) or the consignment agency*.
* Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) Park Hyeon-ung (031-389-6367, dark@kaia.re.kr)
6. Schedule (draft)