What is public space and what does it mean for cities and citizens?
What is a quality public space and how to create it?
Creating public space for the city and people, learn from the Prague Urban Design Manual!
Public space is an essential element that makes a city successful. A well-planned and managed public space becomes a key asset of a city and has a positive impact on the city's economy. Public spaces help citizens walk or cycle, increase safety and reduce crime, and improve living conditions to protect property values. Accessibility to land and buildings and the flow of the city are possible by the presence of public spaces. As such, public space is an essential element in a city, but there is still a lack of discussion on how to organize and create public space.
Published by The Prague Institute of Planning and Development (IPR Praha) shows in detail how to implement quality public space through the principles and examples of public space urban design in Prague. In addition, the cases of urban design in Prague are analyzed in various aspects, such as the role and relationship of people in public space, consideration of regional characteristics and environment, and urban design and technological factors.
The Seoul Institute presents the theory and methodology of public space and publishes an original book introducing the design principles of Prague as 『Prague Urban Design Manual: Public Space』 (translated by Kang Myeong-gu). It is intended to provide an opportunity to think about what it is and what Seoul needs to establish public space urban design principles. In addition, it is hoped that the city of Seoul will have comprehensive and systematic standards for urban design of public space in the future and will provide an opportunity to create a guideline applicable to practice. Through this, I hope you will have time to think about how important a well-made public space is to the development of a city.