SK Telecom developed a VPN based on quantum cryptography communication by linking IDQ's QRNG (Quantum Random Number Generator) chipset with Xgate's VPN server equipment. Its advantage is stronger security compared to the existing ones. It plans to launch a commercial service in the second half of this year.

A VPN is a technology used to protect data sent and received on an internal network of a company or institution. It is cheaper than building a separate dedicated network. Since data is protected by adding encryption and decryption processes during data transmission and reception, it is important to apply a high level of security technology to encryption and decryption during transmission and reception.

Quantum cryptography was applied to this technology. Security has been improved by using quantum random number generation technology in existing encryption methods that can be exposed to hacking risks by quantum computing. In addition, since it is implemented in a way that QRNG chipset is applied to X-Gate's VPN equipment, additional equipment other than those necessary for using existing VPNs is not required. The monthly fee is the same as a traditional VPN.

Ha Min-yong, CDO of SK Telecom, said, "By applying quantum cryptography communication technology to a VPN that supports secure communication of companies or institutions, we have developed a service with a high level of security that can be used even in the quantum computing era." “We will actively target the security market of industries that require high security, such as the domestic public, defense, and finance, in cooperation with others.”


☞ Source: Money Today