-7.28.(Fri) 10:00 Briefing session for companies wishing to move in at the meeting room on the 5th floor of the Busan Cultural Contents Complex

-Explanation of the purpose of the development of the complex, details of open recruitment, application/reception method, evaluation/selection process, etc.


□ Busan City (Mayor Park Hyung-joon) is coming July 7th at 28:10 am in the conference room on the 5th floor of the Busan Cultural Contents Complex, targeting companies wishing to move in in relation to the 「Announcement of Public Recruitment for Selection of Preferential Sales Recipients for Industrial Facilities in the Data Industrial Zone」 in the Eco Delta City It was announced that a briefing session would be held.

○ The city started open recruitment on July 7th and is accepting applications until August 19th. It is designed to help you understand the process.

○ The briefing session will be held in the order of ▲Introduction of the Eco Delta City Green Data Center development plan, ▲Explaining the details of the public announcement on the selection of the priority sale recipients, ▲Guidance on the preparation of the business investment plan, etc., and Q&A.

○ Companies wishing to participate in the briefing can only enter the first 10 people (up to 120 people per company can enter) through on-site registration by 2:80 am on the day of the event. can be viewed (limited to XNUMX people).


□ Shin Chang-ho, head of the Digital Economy Innovation Department of Busan City, said, “Through this competition, we have moved away from the data center as a collection of simple information technology (IT) equipment and have economic impact on the local industry, such as nature-friendly design that matches the surrounding landscape, excellent technology, and job creation effect. We will complete the green data center cluster by selecting the most effective company.”


Source: Busan Metropolitan City