1. Purpose
ㅇ Systematically diagnose the smartization level of domestic cities and grant certifications to excellent smart cities to support the spread at home and abroad
2. Application qualifications and certification methods
blanket(Eligibility) Local governments (special/metropolitan cities, special self-governing cities/provinces, cities/counties/districts) can apply.
– According to the size of the local government, the types are divided into large cities and small and medium cities.
* However, if the city has a population of 50 or more, it is a large city, and if it is less than 50, it is a small city.
blanket(Authentication method) According to the certification standards, the level of smartization of local governments is evaluated into five levels, and smart city certification is granted to local governments of level 3 or higher.
-Establishment of an evaluation committee composed of experts and conduct written evaluation and on-site inspection
3. How to apply
ㅇSubmission date: October 2023, 24 (Tuesday) ~ October 26, 18 (Thursday) 00:XNUMX
ㅇSubmission location: Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements Smart Space Research Center (operating organization)
ㅇ Method of submission: Submit official documents as electronic documents, and register the documents below on the website within the submission deadline (submit separately in person/mail only if registration is difficult)
4. Selection procedure and selection criteria : Refer to the competition guidelines (attached)
5. Notice
ㅇ When submitting application documents in person/mail, only those that arrive by the deadline on the submission date are valid, and those that arrive after that are excluded from evaluation.
ㅇ If a local government obtains certification through false or other fraudulent means or falls short of the certification standards, the certification may be canceled.
ㅇ Documents received during the application period will not be returned.
ㅇ All disadvantages caused by misrepresentation or omission in the submitted documents or inability to contact the applicant are considered to be the responsibility of the applicant.
ㅇFor further details, please contact the Urban Economy Division of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (044-201-4879) or the operating agency (044-960-0316, withkim@krihs.re.kr).
[Appendix] Smart City Certification Contest Guidelines
Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport