– Expected to contribute as a reference model for setting smartization goals for each country and city in the Asian region and for export and distribution
‘Asia Smart City Key Performance Indicator Standard White Paper’ will be published under the leadership of Korea. Smart city key performance indicators refer to indicators based on international standards used to evaluate city development levels in fields such as medical care, energy, and transportation, such as ‘electronic medical record usage rate’, ‘smart meter penetration rate’, and ‘autonomous vehicle penetration rate’.
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's National Agency for Technology and Standards (Director Jin Jong-wook) held a conference at the Best Western Hotel in Seoul on Tuesday, December 12, with about 8 representatives and experts from standardization organizations in eight Asian countries, including Korea, Japan, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia, participating. The 40 Smart City Asia Standard Forum was held simultaneously online and offline.
At this forum, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, etc. presented examples of using international standards related to smart city performance evaluation indicators in relation to the white paper. Korea introduces the case of Sejong City, which focuses on energy environment management such as building energy efficiency and the distribution of eco-friendly cars, and Malaysia introduces the direction of smart city promotion that reflects the various needs of each country and city, such as cases of urban crime prevention management such as CCTV distribution and streetlight installation. It has been done.
The National Agency for Technology and Standards proposed setting common Asian smart city goals and performance indicators as a future cooperation plan. It was explained that by comparing and supplementing smart city evaluation cases according to common goals and indicators, it will be possible to contribute to promoting the spread and dissemination of smart cities in the Asian region.
Oh Kwang-hae, Director of Standards Policy Bureau, said, “At this forum, we achieved meaningful results by publishing the Asian Smart City Standards White Paper led by Korea. “We will continue to strengthen cooperation,” he said.