"2024년 K-City Network Planned business" collusion
- business overview
□ (Summary) When foreign governments and organizations apply for a smart city development or smart solution introduction project proposal* to solve urban problems, projects to be supported are selected through screening**, and Korean experts discuss the selected projects with stakeholders in the applicant country. Establish a smart city plan or smart solution plan in consultation with the applicant country, and provide capacity building for personnel in the applicant country through invitational training.
□ (Purpose) By sharing Korea's smart city creation know-how, we support the construction of smart cities in applicant countries and support Korean companies' expansion into the local market.
- Applicant and project eligible for support
□ (Eligible Applicants) Overseas central and local governments(공공 기관), international organization
ㅇ For cities with jurisdiction for each applicant 1Only one project Can apply
□ ( Target Projects) A project that requires planning for smart city development or smart solution introduction to solve urban problems in the city of the applicant country
ㅇ Avoid simple residential land development, housing and building construction projects, and research projects, and prioritize projects that the relevant government wants to urgently solve for the pending problems of the city you wish to propose.
ㅇ If there is any history of cooperation with the Korean government, local governments, public institutions, research institutes, private companies, etc., please indicate it in the application.
- Scope of support
□(Scale of Support) Select projects eligible for support and provide support of up to KRW 6 million per individual project, such as smart city planning and smart solution planning.
□(Types of Projects) Smart city planning is for new city development or urban regeneration projects that include multiple smart solutions. planning, (Spare)feasibility analysis etc., and the smart solution plan is necessary for the introduction, construction, and operation of a specific solution. Planning and feasibility analysissupport
□(Invitational training) To strengthen capabilities in the smart city field for project stakeholders eligible for support Invitational training 1time 지원
□(Selection method) Projects eligible for support are selected through preliminary consulting by the K-City Network Secretariat (KIND) and resolution by the selection committee.
□ (Post-selection procedure) Experts and consultants establish plans and conduct feasibility analysis according to the scope of the task determined in consultation with the government of the applicant country and provide the results to the government of the applicant country.
- How to Apply
□ (Submission period) Write a proposal and submit it at all times
□ (Submission Method) Submit by emailSubmit by e-mail
□ (Place to submit) Korea Overseas INfrastructure & Urban Development Corporation (KIND)(KIND) Policy Business Office*
- Common major schedule (draft)
▶Please check the attached notice for more details.
"2024년 K-City Network Overseas verification project" collusion
- business overview
o (Business name) 2024년 K-City Network Overseas verification project
o (Summary) To overseas cities promoting smart cities Korean smart solutionAs a project to disseminate or spread
blanket(Purpose) developed domestically smart solutionExcellent by directly applying and verifying in overseas cities solutionof Based on overseas expansionTo raise Creation of global cooperation business opportunities
- Support target and support details
o (Eligible Applicants) Those who have smart solutions developed and proven domestically and wish to expand overseas domestic company·기관(Premise of forming a consortium with overseas partner organizations)
o (Candidate Cities) Smart solution developed domestically Demonstration is possibleand corresponding Willingness to apply technologyOverseas cities with
o (Target solution) has been developed and applied domestically, and hopes for overseas verification. smart solution(Service, platform, system, etc., standalone or packaged, see appendix)
* Please refer to the contest guidelines (attached) for target cities and solution restrictions.
o (Scale of Support) 총 6within a place Selection and Project per case 2~4billion won scale 지원
- Business briefing
o (일시) February 2024, 2 (Wednesday) 7:14∼00:15
o (대상) Organizations wishing to participate in the project (domestic and foreign organizations, companies, etc.)
* Pre-registration period: January 2024, 1 (Tuesday) ~ February 30, 2 (Tuesday) 6:17
** For details on how to participate, see [Reference 3] “Online Business Briefing Session Overview and Instructions on How to Participate” in the contest guidelines.
o (method) Online briefing session using video conferencing system
* Meeting participation address and meeting ID will be announced later to those wishing to participate.
Maximum number of participants: 100 people
o (Main Content) Introduction to contest details, promotion process, application method, and answering questions related to the project
- Submit application
o (Submission period) From February 2024 (Thursday) to March 2 (Tuesday) 8:3, 19 (Korean time)
o (Place to submit) Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) Smart City Industry Support Center*
* K-City Network Overseas Verification Project Management Office
o (Submission Method) Submit by email (kcitysolution@kaia.re.kr)
* Submission documents must be submitted in [V. Submission documents and forms]
** Only items that arrive by the application deadline are valid.and those arriving after that are excluded from evaluation.
- Selection Procedure and Selection Criteria : Refer to the contest guidelines (attached)
- Notice
ㅇ After selection, if it is confirmed that the selection was made through fraudulent means, such as forging or altering all or part of the submitted documents or providing false information, the selection will be cancelled.
ㅇ Documents received during the application period will not be returned.
ㅇ Any disadvantages arising from errors or omissions in the submitted documents or inability to contact the applicant will be considered the responsibility of the applicant organization.
ㅇ If there is a difference of opinion in interpretation regarding the contents included in the competition guide and evaluation criteria, the interpretation of the evaluation committee, etc. shall be followed.
ㅇ If the contents of the Korean and English guidelines are different, the Korean guidelines will be used as the standard.
ㅇ For further details, please inquire below.
– (전화) 031-389-6359 (+82-31-389-6359) / 031-389-6409 (+82-31-389-6409)
– (Email) kcitysolution@kaia.re.kr