- "Special Act on National Strategic Technology Development"Depending on the 12Securing national strategic technology and performance managementfor All ministries 5Make a yearly plan start
- Naver, KAIST, Korea International Economic Institute Centered on experts from industry, academia, etc. advisory committee composition, Basic plan establishment direction And Discussion of major tasks
Ministry of Science and ICT (Minister Lee Jong-ho, hereinafter referred to as ‘MSIT’) 4월 4일(neck) One시에 'My1Advisory Committee on Establishment of the Primary National Strategic Technology Development Basic Plan' was held.
National strategic technology development basic plansilver "Special Act on National Strategic Technology Development」 First established by enactment statutory planto, major countries in the world interracial competition for technological supremacy과 Acceleratefelled digital transformationto survive in Be sure to secure'have to'12National strategic technology'of effective trainingaims to.
<12 national strategic technologies and 50 detailed key technologies>
MSIT is Basic plan policy tasks에 civilianof different opinionsof reflectionencompassing industry, academia, and research institutes to expert advisory board를 구성This is the first step in establishing a plan. The advisory committee Director of Science and Technology Policy Bureau과 KAIST Professor Seo Yong-seok (Director of National Future Strategic Technology Policy Research Institute) co-chairmanBy, recently 삼성 전자와 Cooperation을 통해 Highly efficient artificial intelligence(AI) 반도체 'Mach1 'is developing Lee Dong-soo, Director, Naver Cloud, with extensive experience in international cooperation research Son Ji-won BOX Director of Technology Policy Research Institute, Technological hegemony competition expert externalYeon Won-ho, Economic Security Team Leader, Economic Research Institute It included a variety of experts covering key technologies (AI, bio, quantum), security, international cooperation, and innovation policy.
After selecting national strategic technology, the advisory committee members establish a strategic roadmap and select key project projects. Major policy trends and recent beauty·Aspects of competition for technological hegemony between China and ChinaTo about Presentation를 listeningAfter doing it, 1In-depth information on the direction of establishing the next basic plan and major implementation tasksReview를 ProgressIt was.
In particular, during the discussion process, the advisory committee members AI·Bio Accelerating around the back Convergence between technologies and policy changes in major countries. fistand emerging field And Supply chain core technologypreemptive for discrimination·need for supportTo secure practical technology, international cooperation And Strengthening challenging researchwas discussed as a major task.
MSIT is centered around an advisory committee. Practical discussions by policy division, Collect opinions from related ministries, public hearing encompassing all ministries, including National strategic technology development vision, Technology-Specific Goals And Major policy tasksBy preparing 6during the month basic plan AnnouncementI plan to.
Seokmin Kwon, Director of Science and Technology Policy, said, “As the competition for technological hegemony spreads beyond semiconductors to all strategic technologies such as AI and bio, securing super-gap strategic technologies goes beyond economic growth. The key to national survival“, emphasizing that "Establishment of a basic plan for national strategic technology development은 All ministries dimension Creating practical results through strategic technologyof starting pointI hope this will happen, Broader communication in the future“Through this, we will create policies that are closely related to the field.”