MSIT was selected for the contest for the “Artificial Intelligence Regional Expansion Project,” a regional collaboration project for regional economic resurgence and digital transformation.

Hosted by Jeonbuk Self-Governing Province and joint cooperation with local governments in the Honam region

Laying the foundation for 'future digital agriculture' through the convergence of agricultural data and artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the agricultural and life industry.

It is expected that Jeonbuk Self-Governing Province's drive to transform future digital agriculture using artificial intelligence in the agricultural and life industry will gain momentum.


Jeonbuk Special Self-Governing Province announced on the 426th that it had been selected for the 'AI Convergence Intelligent Agricultural Ecosystem Construction' contest project managed by the Ministry of Science and ICT and secured a total project cost of 19 billion won.


This contest is part of the Ministry of Science and Technology's 'Regional Expansion of Artificial Intelligence Direction', a hyper-regional collaboration project for each of the five major regions, and aims to discover leading AI projects through collaboration between local governments in each region based on regional strengths and characteristics.


The 'Honam Area AI Regional Expansion Project', hosted by Jeonbuk Self-Governing Province, focuses on demonstrating an artificial intelligence autonomous work control system by investing a total project cost of 2028 billion won, including 5 billion won in government funds, over five years until 284.


For example, we will carry out tasks related to 'remote agricultural machinery work' that focus on demonstrating autonomous work, such as applying an artificial intelligence-based remote autonomous work operation system to agricultural work equipment (tractors, rice transplanters, etc.).


In addition, we will develop an 'integrated control network' that can collect, analyze, and learn field agricultural data such as agricultural work environment (climate, soil, etc.), agricultural machinery operation information (status, load, etc.), and autonomous operation videos.


This selection starts from the business planning stage (January 23.1), MSIT pre-qualification screening (May 23), reflection in the government budget (September 5), response and confirmation of the National Assembly budget review (December 23), and application for public offering. (April 9), the entire process leading up to selection is considered to be an achievement by region as a result of the busy efforts of local governments and participating organizations in the Honam region as one.


Oh Taek-rim, head of the Future Industry Bureau of Jeonbuk Self-Governing Province, said, “This project will become the cornerstone of leading future digital agriculture through the convergence of agricultural and life data and artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the agricultural and life industry, the main industry of Jeonbuk Self-Governing Province.”


“Through the transformation of the agricultural and life industry into a digital industry and economy, it will be an opportunity for the development of the data industry and artificial intelligence (AI) industry in the province, as well as for information and communication technology / software-related companies to grow together,” he said.


Source: Jeonbuk Special Self-Governing Province