– National Smart City Committee deliberation on April 4… Presenting a new direction for smart cities

□ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (Minister Park Sang-woo) reviewed the plan at the National Smart City Committee* held on April 4. "My4Tea Smart City Comprehensive Plan(within)('24~'28)"of confirmedIt was.


* A committee to deliberate on smart city policies, industrial revitalization, smart city regulatory sandbox, etc., composed of a total of 24 members, including the Minister of MOLIT (co-chairman), vice ministers of related ministries, and private members (co-chairman Seong-Hoon Yoon, etc.)


ㅇ The 4th Smart City Comprehensive Plan is established every five years in accordance with Article 4 of the Smart City Act. Top-level statutory plan in the smart city field이다.


- digital transformation, climate crisis, Respond to megatrends such as regional extinctionIn order to, Homeland Research InstituteBased on the research results, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport prepared a plan.


– Afterwards, with related experts, academia, industry, and young people Round-table conference, public hearingThrough the Gathering a wide range of opinionsConsultation with related ministries Etc Close examinationAfter that, a plan was established.


"My4Tea Smart City Comprehensive Plan(within)('24~'28)"silver "Connecting cities and peopledoing Smart city of coexistence and leap forward Implementation” as the vision, ①Sustainable space model Spread, ②AI·Data-driven city foundation Construction, ③civilian friendly industrial ecosystem Composition, ④K-smartCities Overseas Expansion of activation 4Presenting a major promotion strategyand the main contents are as follows.


󰊱 (Sustainable space model) distributed to metropolitan local governments data hub*Open in conjunction withSource-based solution development을 통해 Spread of fast and economical smart solutionsCreate an environment for


* (data hub) A platform that supports data-based city management by linking, collecting, and analyzing various city information such as traffic and environment


Climate crisis response and digital inclusion sectorFor use of financial resources(more than 35% of the total project cost) mandatoryand, The smart solution expansion project focuses on distributing cities in danger of extinction.do.


󰊲 (AI·Data-driven city foundation) To increase the efficiency of city operation and management AI Digital TwinBased on Upgrading the data hubdo.


ㅇ To utilize and link city data Standardize your dataand, Data Utilization Guidelines and information protection management measures are also prepared.do.


󰊳 (Private-friendly industrial ecosystem) Smart city industrial baseto Areas with high potential for growthThere is a company in Promote research and verification togetherThat can be Smart city specialized complex*compositiondo.


* New industry regulation special cases And Special provisions on land use regulationsThrough the Convenient empirical environmentcreate, Private sector-led investment environment prepared


ㅇ Convergence Alliance reorganization, Establishment of standardization cooperation system, improvement of regulatory sandbox system, 지자체-Corporate two-way matching service, major company-small·Innovation partnership between sprout companies We also promote various corporate support such as:


󰊴 (K-Smart city overseas expansion) Discovering overseas urban development projectsDevelopment of promising investment projects지원for K-City Network 사업*to Introducing advance consultingand promote selection and concentration strategies.


* (K-City Network) Support for 20 smart city plans and overseas verification in 23 countries from 41 to present to discover smart city overseas projects and advance into local markets based on inter-governmental cooperation


ㅇ Vietnam, Indonesia, etc. Countries with high demand for smart citiescustomized service 지원·Exportand, US, Leading countries such as the United Statesfield international cooperationof enlargementdo.


□ In addition, on this day, the National Smart City Committee Samsung Seoul Hospital Consortiumof 'Self-driving wheelchair patient transport service equipped with real-time monitoring function'and Dae-guTransportation constructionof 'large-shaped DRT Operation verification'About Special regulatory exemption grantedThis gave an opportunity to demonstrate innovative technologies outside of regulations.


□ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Urban Policy Director Jeong Woo-jin said, “Over the next five years, A comprehensive plan that will serve as a compass for smart city policies has been confirmed.Based on this Excellent K-Overseas expansion of smart city technologyRevitalizing the industrial ecosystem“We will focus our efforts on


ㅇ “In addition, we will continue regulatory innovation through the smart city regulatory sandbox and quickly complete the national pilot smart city. We will create a smart city that people can experience.”he said.


* The full text of the 「4th Smart City Comprehensive Plan」 will be available on the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport website (www.molit.go.kr) from Monday, May 5.


Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport