The Smart City Association enacted the 「Act on Procurement Business」27Preparation1Smart Challenge in accordance with the 「Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Innovative Product Designation Guidelines」(시티·town·solution·campus)We hereby announce the preliminary evaluation of target innovative products as follows., We hope for your interest and participation..
□ Announcement and application period
ㅇ Notice : From the date of announcement '24. 8. 20. (Tuesday)) 18: 00Till(Always accepting applications during the notice period)
□ How to apply and submit
① Nara Market( Product identification number Issued* 완료 확인
* Register the detailed product name of the product subject to application as a manufactured product on the national marketplace, 「National Comprehensive Electronic Procurement System Bidding Participation Qualification Registration Regulations(Public Procurement Service Notice)" my13article, My22Article and Article23Joe Reference
② (Submission of application documents and inquiries)
– (Submission method) Submit in person within the notice deadline.
– (Submit to) Gyeongin-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul 855, 7layer, SMART CITY ASSOCIATION Win-Win Cooperation Support Headquarters Win-Win Cooperation Team
- (Required Documents) Refer to file attached 1
– (문의) Assistant Manager Jeong Yoo-jin,, 02-3667-3114
※ Precautions when applying
- Only for applications received within the application period, if the submitted documents are missing or unclear, supplementation may be requested within a set deadline.(Until the application deadline), If the supplement request is not submitted by the due date, only the originally submitted documents will be reviewed. However, if the initially submitted documents are unclear and evaluation and review are difficult, they will be excluded from the evaluation or review.
- When submitting supplementary documents, documents issued after the application deadline will not be accepted.(If submitted with a blank page, it is considered not submitted.)
– Application is possible only for cases where the product identification number has been issued.
– Application form must be submitted in order (sequentially)
– Submit original documents with seal and PDF file
– Email subject: Pre-evaluation application_Company name (Solution name)
Attachment 1. Part 1 of the notice,
Attachment 2. One copy of the form for applying for preliminary evaluation of innovative products,