– The 9st Urban Master Planning System Reorganization Forum was held on the 1th... Search for reform plan

□ The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (Minister Park Sang-woo) held a press conference at the Seoul Institute at 8 p.m. on August 9.My1Urban Master Planning System Reorganization Forum"second 개최do.


ㅇ The forum is aimed at not only solving pressing urban problems such as population decline and disappearance of rural areas, but also responding to rapidly changing environmental changes such as climate change and the 4th industrial revolution. urban master plan*of roleof gropeprepared to do so.


* It is a 20-year comprehensive plan that presents the city's spatial structure and long-term development direction and serves as a guideline for urban management plans that determine use areas, and is currently established by 127 local governments.


□ Various organizations participated in this forum, including the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, Gyeonggi-do, the Korean Society of Land and Urban Planning, the Korea Association of Urban Planning Engineers, the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, and the Seoul Institute.


'Establishment of issue-centered urban basic planOperation examples and Direction of system reform'Announcement about, in-depth discussionProgressI plan to.


□ The urban basic plan is an important plan that serves as a guideline for the urban management plan that determines the use area, but most Sectoral plan*second listdoing Department store style planAs written as


* Regional characteristics and status, planning goals, spatial structure setting, land use plan, infrastructure, urban/residential environment, environmental conservation and management, landscape/aesthetics, parks/green spaces, disaster prevention/safety, economy/industry, execution of plans, etc.


ㅇ Disaster prevention and safety, housing supply, job creation, etc. citythe problem at handFor suggest a solutioninsufficientThere has been continued criticism that this is the case.


□ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport announced last May, ‘Urban basics to respond to environmental changes in urban policyStudy on plan reform plan'*cast startConsidering the results of the forum and research service, National Land Planning Act And Guidelines for establishing urban master plans My back amendmentI will do it.


* (Period) `24. 5 ~ `25. 5, (Research Institute) Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements

ㅇ In the research service, the urban basic plan is Department store-style comprehensive plan(Comprehensive Planning) considering internal and external environmental changes Issue-responsive strategic plan(Strategic Planning) Reorganizationdoing specific planof Reviewdo.



ㅇ In addition, the urban basic plan establishchange period(current average of 3 years and 10 months) shorteningThat can be measuresIt is also reviewed from various angles.


□ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport operates the “Urban Basic Planning System Reorganization Forum” Local government briefing sessionacademic conference through the back different opinionsof convergenceI plan to.


* (Main schedule) 1st and 2nd forum (8, October) → Academic conference (November) → Preparation of improvement plan (December) → Local government briefing (January 25.1) → 3rd and 4th forum (February 25.2, April) → City Establishment of basic plan system reform (draft) and system improvement


Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Jinhoon Jeong Director of Urban Policy Department“This forum urban master planof practical strategic planto Reorganizationdoing starting point“I expect this to happen,” he said, urging active participation from local governments, academia, and private experts.

Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport