Check out the latest smart city policy information!
No. 58 (2025.1.2)

Our Neighborhood Satellite Map “National Land Information Platform” Service Launched

2024.2.15 / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport National Geographic Information Institute (President Woo-Seok Cho) will provide a national satellite-based image map (national satellite map) that allows users to view the latest national satellite orthophotos containing the entire Korean Peninsula directly on the web without downloading, starting February 2.

Establishment of the 4th Smart City Comprehensive Plan (2024-2028)

2024.5.2 / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (Minister Park Sang-woo) approved the plan after deliberation at the National Smart City Committee* held on April 4. "My4Tea Smart City Comprehensive Plan(within)('24~'28)"of confirmedIt was. The 4th Comprehensive Smart City Plan is established every five years in accordance with Article 4 of the Smart City Act. Top-level statutory plan in the smart city field이다.

2024 Solution Expansion Project Local Governments ‘Pocheon, Yangpyeong, etc. 10 Places’ Selected

2024.5.23 / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (Minister Park Sang-woo) has selected 24 basic local governments as a result of the '10 Smart City Solution Expansion Project' public offering to expand regional smart city services and reduce the digital divide.

Seeking strategies for implementing the 5th National Land Comprehensive Plan Amendment Plan (2026-2040)

2024.6.17 / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (Minister Park Sang-woo) visited the Daejeon Urban Convergence Special Zone on the afternoon of June 6 to urge rapid project implementation and held a joint seminar* to discuss the revision strategy for the “17th Comprehensive National Land Plan (5-2020).”

2024 Smart City Development Project, 'Cheonan' as a Hub, 'Gwangmyeong, Taebaek, Gyeongsan' as Small and Medium-sized Cities Selected

2024.6.23 / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (Minister Park Sang-woo) selected one hub-type site in Cheonan, South Chungcheong Province, and three small-scale sites, including Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi Province, Taebaek, Gangwon Province, and Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do, as a result of the “2024 Smart City Development Project” public offering.

Establishment of “Measures to Activate Overseas Investment and Development Projects”

2024.7.23 / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (Minister Park Sang-woo) announced the “Overseas Investment and Development Project Activation Plan” (hereinafter referred to as the Activation Plan) through a resolution at the Economic Affairs Ministers’ Meeting held on the morning of July 7.

World Smart City Expo 2024, BETTER LIFE IS HERE

2024.9.21 / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport

Watch the video to see what amazing technologies domestic companies that participated in the 2024 World Smart City Expo surprised the world with!

Publication of the 2024 “Sustainable Future, K-Smart City” data collection

2024.10.31 / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, Smart City Association
Towards a Sustainable Future, K-Smart City 
(2024 Smart City Case Study)

3D digital surveying standard, 'Construction surveying construction standard' notice enacted

2024.11.14 / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (Minister Park Sang-woo) and the National Geographic Information Institute (President Cho Woo-seok) will establish surveying construction standards that reflect smart construction technologies such as 3D digital surveying.

Newly certified smart cities 'Goyang, Dongdaemun, Sejong, Uijeongbu' in 2024

2024.11.26 / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (Minister Park Sang-woo) newly certified four cities as smart cities in 4, including Goyang City (metropolitan city), Dongdaemun-gu in Seoul, Sejong City, and Uijeongbu City (medium-sized cities).
We ask for your continued interest in the Smart City Comprehensive Portal in 2025.
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