김해시는 1조 6,845억원 규모의 2019년 제1회 추가경정예산이 시의회의 원활한 협력으로 지난 22일 조기 의결되었다고 밝혔다.

이는 당초예산 대비 1,131억원(7.2%) 증액된 규모로 일반회계가 952억원증가한 1조 3,837억원, 특별회계가 179억원 증가한 3,008억원이다.

The early resolution of this additional budget is to participate in the expansion of national fiscal expenditures to alleviate the recession and employment decline, and focus on revitalizing the local economy through preemptive investment in job creation and living SOC projects and early execution.

추가경정예산의 주요 사업으로는,  ▲구지봉 보호구역 정비사업 362억원, ▲김해시종합운동장 실시설계용역비 28억원, ▲생활쓰레기 수집운반 대행료 25억원, ▲민간위탁 노인사회활동지원 사업비 15억원, ▲대동첨단산업단지 공공하수처리시설 설치비 10억원, ▲국도대체우회도로 건설공사 상수관로 이설비 12억원, 치매안심센터 설치비 4억원 등이 있으며,

일자리 창출과 생활 SOC 사업추진을 위한 ▲청년장인 프로젝트 지원사업 10억원, ▲동상시장 청년몰 조성사업 17억원, ▲스마트시티 테마형 특화단지 조성 36억원, ▲주민주도형 골목경제 활성화 사업 5억원, ▲지역마을만들기 사업 3억원, ▲고용 우수기업 지원사업 1억원 등과 미세먼지 감축을 위한 미세먼지 차단숲 조성사업 14억원 등을 편성하였다.

Mayor Heo Seong-gon said, “Thanks to the smooth cooperation of the city council, this additional budget was decided early, so the executive department will do its utmost to resolve the recession and revitalize the local economy through preemptive job creation and early promotion of living SOC projects.”