Non-face-to-face delivery is now a must, not an option!
Excellent security and courier location inquiry service,
Delivery schedule/completion notification service, etc.
It has been developed so that you can receive couriers with confidence.
There! From same-day delivery to early morning delivery!
The world is admiring Korea's delivery culture.
K-Delivery, which surprised the world
And getting smarter.
To a logistics center with advanced technologies such as IoT and AI
In case of remodeling or new construction,
Through a system that can receive support
Smart logistics center equipped with automated facilities
We plan to expand it to 100 locations.
Also, small and medium-sized logistics companies can use
A total of 2025 smart joint logistics centers will be opened by 11.
Seoul Transportation Corporation and LH installed
We plan to help grow and nurture.
Data source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (2020.12.23.)