– K-Smart City Network Business Contest from April 4th… KRW 10 billion support

– Intergovernmental cooperation projects (planning type) Overseas expansion support for Korean companies (overseas demonstration type) A total of 2 or more selected in 8 areas


The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (Minister Won Hee-ryong) is this year’s initiative to discover intergovernmental smart city cooperation projects and support Korean companies’ overseas expansion. "K-City Network" of business public offering 410start withdo.


2020started in the year "K-City Network"for foreign governments Support for smart city and solution planning, etc.and Korean companies smart Support for overseas demonstration of solutions21 cooperation projects have been carried out in 33 countries.

* (20) 11 cities in 12 countries, (21) 11 cities in 11 countries, (22) 10 cities in 10 countries


This year's business competition is ① Smart City/Solution Planning, ② Smart Solution Demonstration Divided into projects, public offering, each 4More than XNUMX cities to be selected이다.


"Smart City/Solution Planning” The project is ① related to smart city development promoted by overseas governments.master plan establishand ② for solving urban problemssolution planningas a project to support per case 3 ~ 5billion won supportdo.


"Smart Solution Demonstration” Business is the excellent Smart City Technologies and Products My back Opportunity to demonstrate in overseas citiesAs a business that provides 3 ~ 5billion wondo.



'23 "K-City Network』 Business 410notice, Smart City/Solution Planning
business is 510By, Smart Solution Demonstration business is 530Received byreceive


"Smart City/Solution Planning" business is Regarding projects proposed by overseas governments, etc. business importance, business feasibility, feasibility We plan to make a final selection in June based on evaluation based on


"Smart Solution Demonstration" business is Regarding the business plan submitted by our company business promotion Conditions and possibility of advancement of our company The evaluation will focus on the following, and the final selection will be made in June.


More details about the contest Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport website(www.molit.go.kr) and smartCity Comprehensive Portal(www.smartcity.go.kr) from April 4th.


Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Gil Byeong-woo Urban Policy Officersilver ""K-City Network」 is our excellent Smart city technology and experienceIt is an opportunity to build an export base for our company while sharing it with overseas cities.”


"Korean Smart Citycities around the worldin presentwith excellent smart city technology Our company actively advances into overseas marketsSo that active supportI will,” he said.


☞  Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport