– Contest for a regulatory grace period (regulation sandbox) support project in which local governments and innovative companies participate for one month from April 4
– Selected 9 final support targets in September… Up to 3 million won per project, total support of 5 billion won
– Expectation of nationwide expansion of innovative technologies and services and resolution of local urban problems
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (Minister Won Hee-ryong) led by local governmenttogether with companies and research institutes with new technologies. innovative technology·introduce service·substantiationThat can be Promotion of regionally-led smart city regulatory sandboxdo.
To this end, it is necessary to deregulate for regional industrial development and regional specialized service provision. for basic local governmentsto regulatory sandbox support project 4월 18From 5월 17Scheduled to be contested by이다.
* Local governments can participate jointly with companies possessing innovative technologies, and three projects will be selected and subsidized with a maximum of 3 million won per project and a total of 5 billion won.
In the meantime, in the regulatory sandbox, companies have consulted with local governments in the process of preparing a business plan to determine the subject of demonstration. Locally driven regulationSandbox planning From the beginning, local governments cooperate with companies with innovative technologiesto promote regulatory exceptionswill do
지자체through the active participation of Increase competitiveness of innovative industries suitable for regional characteristics and solve regional problemscan be expected, Innovative companies will also be able to obtain stable and continuous demonstration opportunitieslooks like,
Survey results of local governments and companies related to smart cities*, municipality 81.4%, Corporate 76.9%Responded that it is necessary to introduce a regulatory sandbox led by the regionThere is also a high level of interest in related support projects.
* Conducted for 22.5 people in charge of smart cities in May 115
Meanwhile, targeting local governments, companies, and research institutes, 4월 20business briefing sessionto provide detailed information on the contest project, 지자체-Matching innovative technologies Operates an online bulletin board to supportI will do it.
In addition, the business plan required for application submission should be replaced with the current smart demonstration business plan, etc. One-stop pre-consulting support for local governments Plan to reduce paperwork burden이다.
through external expert evaluation of the final support project 2Drainage(6건)in order of priority selectionand proceed with procedures such as discussions with regulatory departments and deliberation by the National Smart City Committee, Final support target 3to be confirmed이다.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Gil Byeong-woo, Director of Urban Policy“Applied to smart city Technology·Of service diffusionFor companies, research institutes, as well as The willingness of local governments to actively improve on-site regulations is important” he said
“Through the first regionally-led regulatory sandbox, local governments and companies cooperate to Continuous efforts to obtain benefits from practical regulatory exceptionsI will,” he said.
On the other hand, details related to the competition Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport website(www.molit.go.kr), the website of the Korea Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Science Agency (www.kaia.re.kr) or the website of the Smart City Comprehensive Portal (www.smartcity.go.kr).