– Discussion of data-based digital transformation for innovative growth –

Busan City (Mayor Park Hyeong-joon) announced that it will hold 'Busan Data Week 26' hosted by Busan Technopark at the BEXCO Convention Hall for two days from 1:30 pm on the 2023th (Mon).


'Busan Data Week' was prepared to promote the local data industry and strengthen the ecosystem by seeking future development directions in the rapidly changing digital industry conditions.


'Busan Data Week' is the second time following last year, and this year, it is held under the theme of 'innovative growth through data-based digital transformation'. Top domestic and foreign field experts and scholars representing the digital transformation and data fields will participate to share the latest trends in the data industry, diagnose and forecast digital human survival strategies against super-giant artificial intelligence (AI) in the age of data-based digital civilization. .


The main participants are ▲Daewoong Ha, General Product Manager (CPO) of Toss, ▲Chairman Seok Chang-gyu of the Webcash Group, the highest authority in the financial technology (Fintech) industry leading the future financial services, and ▲Jae-bung Choi, who gave birth to the new word Phono Sapiens (smartphone humanity). Professor Sungkyunkwan University, ▲Professor Daeyoung Kim, KAIST, a scholar in the field of IoT and data engineering, ▲Professor Dongjin Kim, founder of Purdue University Design Technology Lab (Wonder Makerspace), etc.


이번 행사의 주요 내용을 살펴보면 1일 차(26일)에는 ▲하대웅 토스 총괄제품책임자(CPO)가 ‘디지털 전환과 함께하는 고객 경험’이라는 주제로 제1 기조 발제에 나서고, ▲석창규 웹케시 그룹 회장이 ‘비즈니스 데이터 기반의 기업 간 거래 금융기술(B2B 핀테크)’이라는 주제로 제2 기조 발제를 한다. 그리고 ▲‘부산이 나아가야 할 디지털 전환의 발전 방향’과 ▲빅데이터와 초거대 인공지능(AI) 기반의 디지털전환‘이라는 주제로 분야별 전문가들과 함께 두 개의 분과(세션)가 열린다.


On the 2nd day (27th) ▲Professor Choi Jae-bung of Sungkyunkwan University will give a keynote presentation on the theme of 'survival strategy in the era of digital civilization changed by ChatGPT'. In addition, heated discussions will be held in two subsections (sessions) under the themes of ▲'The present and future of data and digital transformation' and ▲'Strategy for digital transformation through fostering big data talent'.


In particular, in this event, through two special subsections (sessions), field officials and participants provide vivid information that can be applied right away in the field. ▲ Corporate officials can learn best practices in management and quality improvement through the 'Big Data Utilization Strategy Seen as Cases', which shares success stories of big data utilization by local companies. ▲ It is expected that general participants will be able to meet the milestone to become a ChatGPT expert through the workshop format of 'ChatGPT and Plugin to Increase Productivity by 120%'.


Shin Chang-ho, head of the Digital Economy Innovation Department of Busan Metropolitan City, said, “Through digital innovation and transformation, Busan is emerging as a digital transformation city, setting the highest record in Korea by beating Seoul in the 'World Smart City Index Evaluation'*. It is becoming a driving force for hosting the World Expo," he said. "We expect that this 'Busan Data Week' will serve as an opportunity to accelerate the digital transformation of the region."


* (세계 스마트도시 지수 평가) 세계 주요 도시의 디지털 중심 스마트도시 경쟁력 순위로, 글로벌 컨설팅 전문기관인 지옌사(Z/Yen社, 영국 런던 소재)가 2020년부터 매년 상․하반기 두 차례 발표 ‣136개의 스마트 관련 통계지표 등 활용 ‣23년 발표(5.25.) : 77개 세계 주요 도시 중 부산 19위(아시아 3위), 서울 28위, 싱가포르 6위, 홍콩 10위


Anyone involved in the data industry and digital transformation can participate in Busan Data Week 2023, and ordinary citizens who are interested in data can also participate. Application for participation can be made on the 'Busan Data Week' website (https://www.dxchallenge.co.kr/dataweek2023).


Source: Busan Metropolitan City