– From July 7, the official operation of Overseas Construction Integrated Information Service (https://ocis.go.kr) begins
– Solving the difficulties of Korean companies entering overseas markets due to lack of information
– Comprehensive provision of overseas market ordering/bidding, market information, and recruitment/job information
□ soupMinistry of Transport(Minister Won Hee-ryong) and Overseas Construction Association(Chairman Park Seon-ho) from July 7rd Overseas constructionIntegrated information service(OCIS)*cast earnesthostilely InitiateSaid.
* OCIS (Overseas Construction Information Service, website address: https://ocis.go.kr)
ㅇMinistry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport our companyEnter overseas expansion city biggest problemspointed out as Lack of overseas market information를 solutionin order to Overseas construction integrated information service systemof buildand this year 3월부터 temporary openingSo 6월Till pilot operation through the period systemof inspectionI have done
□ Overseas construction integrated information service system은 Overseas construction relation 기관Enter Dispersionㆍoverlapprovided by the enemy Overseas construction information*cast integratedhostilely collection·Linkbusiness information such as ordering and bidding, market information, tax information, entry strategy, etc. Overseas construction ordersessential for Entry environment information by country를 Synthesishostilely offerdo.
* Overseas Construction Association (overseas construction general information), Korea Institute of Construction Technology (overseas construction engineering information),
Korea Overseas INfrastructure & Urban Development Corporation (KIND) (overseas investment development business information), etc.
ㅇ Also, Overseas construction 분야 elimination of job vacanciesVarious information such as job offer and job search information for Employment relation 정보* as provided job matching도 지원do.
* Recruitment information, talent information, employment news, employment data room, employment genealogy, etc.
ㅇ Not only PC mobilealso through Convenientso that you can see app servicealso built. (☞ attached reference file)
□ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Kim Sang-moon Director, Construction Policy Bureau“Our companies’ Vitalization of overseas orders에 practical인 DOUMso that 정보를 constantlyto expansionand, system도 Advancement I will do it,” he said.