1. 목적

ㅇ Systematically evaluate smart city services to discover and certify excellent services in order to spread smart city services and revitalize the industry

2. Application qualifications and certification targets

ㅇ (EligibilitySmart city service provider(Enterprise지자체public institutions, etc.)

Single or multiple institutions may apply jointly.In this case, a representative applicant is designated and5Submit the number form

(Certification targetTest in a real citysubstantiationTransportation that has been commercialized, etc.With services in the environment and energy fieldsThe system structure is as shown in the table below L1~L3Services corresponding to

3. How to apply

ㅇSubmission date: October 2023, 24 (Tuesday) ~ October 26, 18 (Thursday) 00:XNUMX

ㅇ Submission method: Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology Smart City Cluster (operating institution)

ㅇ Submission method: Submit official documents by electronic document, and register the following documents on the homepage within the deadline


4. Selection procedure and selection criteria : Refer to the competition guidelines (attached)


5. Notice

ㅇ In the case of missing or unclear submitted documents, only for cases received within the application period, supplementation can be requested by setting a deadline (supplementation period will be notified separately after the application deadline)

– If supplementary data is not submitted within the supplementary request period, only the originally submitted documents will be reviewed, but if the originally submitted documents are unclear and difficult to evaluate and review, the evaluation or review will be excluded.

ㅇ All disadvantages caused by errors or omissions in the submitted documents and inability to contact the applicant are considered the responsibility of the applicant.

ㅇFor further details, please contact the Urban Economy Division of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (044-201-4879) or the operating agency (031-910-0225, kimjunghoon@kict.re.kr).


【Attachment】2023 Smart City Service Certification Contest Announcement and Guidelines

 Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport