– Distributed to related organizations from September 9th… Full-scale use in demonstration projects in preparation for UAM commercialization in 13

soupMinistry of Transport(Minister Won Hee-ryong) is the first in Korea tourban air traffic(AMU)* dedicated aerial map」produced, 913From To related organizations (Ministry of National Defense, local governments, drone associations, etc.) distributed free of charge**He said he would.


* Urban Air Mability: next-generation high-tech transportation system based on electric power, low-noise aircraft, and vertical take-off and landing pads


** Major public institutions, Local governments and Korea Drone Utilization Association to institutions such as 300dogSequentialto distributeand, Aviation information integrated management systemAlso at (http://aim.koca.go.kr) Anyone can download possible


ㅇ This map contains the 'urban air traffic(AMU) 2Stage metropolitan area demonstration route(Ara Waterway, Han River, Tancheon) major obstacle(high-voltage lines, steel towers, etc.), flightlimit·prohibited airspace, building height information Back recordedit's done demonstration projectReal useIt is expected to be.


□ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport provides urban air transportation (UAM) Demonstration project participants Back needed 정보effectiveego Provided in an easy-to-understand mannerTo this end, related organizations such as the military, private sector (drone association, etc.), and local governments participate. 'National Design Team'*second 구성So Customized aerial map productionhas been promoted.


* (Composition) MOLIT (7), Ministry of National Defense (2), local government (2), private sector (5), a total of 16 people (from June 23.6),

(Role) Participates in all production processes and provides opinions on map information and notations, etc.


ㅇ First, map frontconsists of 7 vertiports in the metropolitan area. urban air traffic(AMU) Full verification route, The backOn 3dog demonstration routenot really enlarged maprecordedAnd


ㅇ Main legend, main contact information, etc. Information includeduser feedbackof sufficiently reflectedSo visibility·readability My back capable of raising in position arrangement and select color and design, Apply optimal map scale Etc Perfect for ensuring quality.


Sangsu Kim, Director of Air Traffic Divisionsilver "urban air traffic(AMU) custom aerial maps'25years of commercialization Used in full-scale preparation demonstration projectTo be Related private and public기관 etc. working closelySo buildand 지원so constantlyto effortwill do,” he said.

<Urban air transportation (UAM) metropolitan area demonstration route aerial map (Ara Waterway demonstration route)>

<Urban air transportation (UAM) metropolitan area demonstration route aerial map (Han River demonstration route)>

<Urban air traffic (UAM) metropolitan area demonstration route aeronautical map (Tancheon demonstration route)>

Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport