-For the first time in history, an integrated five-year plan for ‘local decentralization and balanced development’ was established.

-17 ministries and offices, 17 cities and provinces working together to realize the five major strategies* for the local era

* Local decentralization, education reform, innovative growth, specialized development, living welfare


①Central-local cooperation leads regional development through smooth implementation of regional policy tasks

②Providing quality educational opportunities anywhere in the region, creating a local era led by local talent

③Establishing a base for innovative growth in the region with bold support from special opportunity development zones

④Preemptively respond to the crisis of population decline and regional extinction by ‘increasing the living population’

⑤ Presenting solutions for balanced regional development through local digital, high-tech industry, and healthcare innovation

⑥Transformation into a decentralized country through bold transfer of central authority to local governments


【 Significance of establishing the 1st Local Era Comprehensive Plan (2023-2027) 】

  1. Overview of comprehensive plan establishment


The Presidential Local Area Committee (Chairman Woo Dong-gi) consulted with the heads of relevant central administrative agencies and collected opinions from local governments in accordance with Article 6 of the Act on Balanced Local Decentralization and Development, and established the ‘1st Comprehensive Plan for Local Areas’ established by the Local Area Committee. (2023-2027) was confirmed after deliberation and resolution by the Local Era Committee (October 2023.10.23, 2023.10.30) and the State Council (October XNUMX, XNUMX).


The local comprehensive plan is stipulated to reflect ▴ city and provincial local plans, ▴ sectoral plans of central administrative agencies, and ▴ super-metropolitan area development plans of local governments that have established super-metropolitan areas. Accordingly, this 1st comprehensive plan includes the key promotion tasks of the Local Area Committee, ▴ city and provincial local area plans submitted by 17 cities and provinces after deliberation and resolution by the city and provincial local area committees, and ▴ 17 ministries. ‧Sectoral plans of central ministries submitted by the Office (focusing on 22 core tasks and 68 action tasks), ▴Super-metropolitan areas submitted by the 4 major metropolitan areas and 3 special autonomous regions after deliberation and resolution by city and provincial local committees Reflected the development plan.


In particular, based on the five strategies* in the 'Vision and Strategy for the Local Era' announced by the Local Era Committee at the 'Local Era Declaration Ceremony' on September 9th, the organization was organized to ensure consistency between the plans of cities, provinces, and central ministries. did. A number of comprehensive plan review councils in which all cities, provinces and ministries participate, meetings of local policy task-related organizations, and expert meetings in each field are held to collect relevant opinions and, through consultation, prepare detailed action plans to implement local vision and national tasks. did.


* Five major strategies in the provincial era

➀ Bold local decentralization that fosters autonomy, ➁ Bold education reform that fosters talent,
➂ Creative, innovative growth that increases jobs, ➃ Leading specialized development that preserves individuality,
➄ Customized living welfare that improves quality of life


This plan is a mid-term plan established every five years, and local and central governments establish annual implementation plans for city/provincial local plans, sectoral plans, and supra-metropolitan area development plans each year and submit them to the Local Area Committee. will be submitted.


  1. Features of comprehensive plan establishment


Since the ‘Five-Year Plan for Balanced National Development’ and the ‘Five-Year Comprehensive Implementation Plan for Local Decentralization’ were first established in 2004, the two plans have been established separately over the past 5 years, and the committee has deliberated and resolved the five-year plans. This year's '5st Comprehensive Plan for Local Era' is the first integrated plan encompassing local decentralization and balanced development, and is directly established by the Local Era Committee after consulting with local governments and the central government and listening to their opinions (the balanced development plan is established by the government). It is significant in that it was done. The Local Era Committee will be responsible for overseeing and coordinating not only the establishment of a comprehensive plan, but also ▴implementation of national tasks for the local era, ▴implementation of the comprehensive plan, and ▴support for the implementation of regional policy tasks. In the future, the local era will be implemented as a team with the local government and the central government. is expected to lead the


As is clearly evident in the five strategies, this comprehensive plan includes the education sector (Strategy 5) and regional policy tasks (Strategy 2) as one of the core strategies that will lead the local era. From the perspective that 'the core of the local era lies in education and industry', the local and central governments work together to foster talents who lead regional development and innovation, while actively working with the central government to develop specialization plans proactively prepared by the region by utilizing its own resources. A system has been established to provide support through consultation.

➁Bold educational reform that nurtures talent, ➃Initiative specialized development that preserves individuality


Meanwhile, this comprehensive plan also includes, for the first time, a super-metropolitan area development plan established by 4+3 super-metropolitan areas autonomously organized by each region based on the characteristics and potential of each area. The super-metropolitan area development plan enhances the vitality of local industries by fostering self-discovered new growth engine industries and creating jobs based on cooperation between regions, ▴ expanding the living population through cultural and tourism projects, and ▴ strengthening accessibility by expanding transportation SOC. It includes many cooperative projects that residents can experience. These linked and cooperative projects are planned to be concreted through future consultations with ministries and implemented through implementation plans.


  1. comprehensive plan 5Grand strategy highlights


The five major strategies for the local era in the comprehensive plan consist of local decentralization, educational reform, innovative growth, specialized development, and livelihood welfare. Accordingly, the central government plans to promote local era policies focusing on 5 core tasks for the next five years. .


For '❶Bold local decentralization that fosters autonomy,' we will lay the foundation for autonomous self-governance, strengthen local self-governance capabilities and local finances, while promoting the establishment of a regionally customized self-governance model and securing local responsibility.

In order to '❷ Bold educational reform to cultivate talented people', we expand educational opportunities through policies such as special educational development zones and glocal universities, support mutual growth between universities and regions, and promote linkage and cooperation between local autonomy and educational autonomy. Strengthen.

For '❸creative innovative growth that increases jobs,' we will establish a foundation for sustainable development in the region by creating special opportunity development zones and promoting local science and technology, and promote expansion of future growth engines through digital innovation and the creation of a startup/innovation ecosystem.

In order to support '❹leading specialized development that preserves individuality', strengthening local self-reliant creative capabilities (industry, science and technology), fostering local culture and tourism, and creating agricultural and fishing villages (culture, tourism, environment and welfare, agriculture, forestry and fisheries), and Establish a support system for regional policy tasks in each field to expand core infrastructure (land, maritime, etc.) that can promote this.

In addition, for '❺customized living welfare that improves the quality of life,' we support response to the crisis of local extinction and improve local living conditions, including settlement conditions, while focusing on expanding local medical, health, and welfare and preserving environmental and ecological resources. .

… (Continued) Please refer to the attached file for detailed plan.


Attachment: Local era comprehensive plan (2023-2027) 

Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport