Public hearing held to establish the 「4th Smart City Comprehensive Plan」


□ The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (Minister Park Sang-woo) and the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (Director Shim Gyo-eon) held the 1th Smart City Conference at the main auditorium of the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (25 Gukukgyeongwonwon-ro, Sejong Special Self-Governing City) at 2 p.m. on January 5. A public hearing was held to establish a “comprehensive plan.”

◦ The 「5th Smart City Comprehensive Plan (4~2024)」 is scheduled to be established in accordance with Article 2028 of the 「Act on Smart City Creation and Industrial Promotion, etc.」

□ This public hearing explained the 「4th Smart City Comprehensive Plan (draft)」, and more than 400 local government officials discussed the policy goals and implementation strategies under the vision of “realizing a smart city of coexistence and leap forward that connects the city and people.” , experts, businessmen, and citizens participated and presented their opinions.

◦ By evaluating past comprehensive plans and drawing implications, policy goals were established as “a cutting-edge digital space that anyone can enjoy anytime, anywhere,” “an innovative space led by the private sector and supported by the public,” and “a smart space that serves as a model for the world.”

◦ In addition, new tasks such as implementation and expansion of platform cities, creation of a data hub activation environment, and urban tech-based smart city specialized complex are proposed.

□ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Urban Policy Director Lee Sang-joo said that the “4th Smart City Comprehensive Plan (Plan)” will expand overseas the excellent demonstration programs of our smart cities that have achieved results and promote industrial development centered on private companies. He emphasized that it was an opportunity for development.

□ In a panel discussion after the presentation of the comprehensive plan (draft), various opinions of attendees were discussed on the implementation strategies and tasks of the 4th comprehensive plan (draft), chaired by Kim Gap-seong (Professor at Yonsei University).

◦ Nam Gwang-woo (Professor at Kyungsung University) said that data linkage and standard support are important for the activation of smart city data hubs, but it is also necessary to review the provision of processing services for private companies that have difficulty processing data, and that this can be achieved through various smart city pilot projects. We expected to discover various use cases for continuous connection and expansion of produced data and solutions.

◦ Kim Tae-hyung (Director of Transportation Research Institute) said that since Korea's smart cities have already reached the stage of expansion and maturity, ① establish a performance evaluation system and monitor it on a regular basis, ② establish governance to ensure convergence and activation among smart city services, and ③ provide support for the next generation. It was emphasized that it is necessary to prepare for a post-smart city to prepare for the city of the future.

◦ Park Seong-nam (AURI Research Fellow) pointed out that the implementation of the plan should be supplemented by considering differentiated strategies and user aspects by regional hierarchy (metropolitan, city, county) so that smart cities can be accessed according to city size.

◦ Jang Won-seok (LG CNS manager) said that the effectiveness of the plan will be improved only if smart city solutions are separately registered as excellent products in the Public Procurement Service so that private companies can experience them, or detailed policy supplementation is provided, such as including overseas business contracts and implementation support. It was suggested that it could be done.

◦ Kwak Jeong-min (attorney at Class Law Firm) said that since there are various regulations that impede innovation in private companies, relevant central ministries and local governments need to come up with a plan to deal with the regulations, and he evaluates it positively as it is included in the 4th Comprehensive Plan (draft).

◦ In addition, opinions such as smart city education and qualifications and strengthening the role of local governments were suggested.


Source: Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements