2022 Jeonju Smart City & Digital Twin Conference

2023-04-03T13:57:36+09:002022.12.12|VIDEO CHANNEL|

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWMiwhnPsH8&ab_channel=%EC%A0%84%EC%A3%BC%EC%8B%9C%EC%8A%A4%EB%A7%88%ED%8A%B8%EC%8B%9C%ED%8B%B0%26%EB%94%94%EC%A7%80%ED%84%B8%ED%8A%B8%EC%9C%88%EC%BB%A8%ED%8D%BC%EB%9F%B0%EC%8A%A4   ☞  출처: 전주시 스마트시티 & 디지털트윈 컨퍼런스

What are the prospects for future urban air traffic (UAM)? According to Morgan Stanley, the market size is expected to be 9,900 trillion won? | The XNUMXth topic of Coffee Chat_UAM

2023-04-03T13:58:09+09:002022.12.05|VIDEO CHANNEL|

🚁 「Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and TransportX Startup ‘Coffee Chat☕’」, the 4th is “UAM (Urban Air Traffic)” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HhWW5xpWSM&ab_channel=%EA%B86 %AD%ED%0%A5%EA%B90%86%ED%5%B6%EB%B80%XNUMX Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Won Hee-ryong met with startup representatives and young people to freely share their experiences Coffee Chat to listen to stories!☕ ✔The fifth topic of Coffee Chat this time is UAM! * What is UAM (Urban Air Mobility)? The transportation service industry of the future smart city that uses the sky as a moving passage as an alternative to solving ground traffic congestion with the meaning of urban air traffic! In this coffee chat meta, drone delivery and UAM [...]

[LX FLEX] Korea's first digital twin industrial complex Changwon National Industrial Complex!

2023-04-03T13:58:59+09:002022.12.05|VIDEO CHANNEL|

3D-based metaverse from corporate design, process, and corporate product promotion! Great Digital Transformation of the National Industrial Complex! What is the future of the LX digital twin? The innovation of LX Korea National Geospatial Information Corporation will continue with the Digital Twin National Industrial Complex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcRG_4Nru3E&ab_channel=LXTV%EA%B5%AD%ED%86%A0%EC% 9D%B8%ED%84%B0%EB%84%B7%EB%B0%A9%EC%86%A1%EA%B5%AD 💚LX Korea Land and Geospatial Information Corporation💚 Honest stories of people who care for the land, a place in the world Let the honest story begin! ☞ Source: LXTV National Internet Broadcasting

[Bucheon Smart City Challenge] Smart City Expo World Congress, SCEWC 2022 participation activity video

2023-04-03T14:00:54+09:002022.11.23|VIDEO CHANNEL|

Bucheon City attended the Smart City Expo World Congress, SCEWC 2022 hosted in Barcelona. Feel the atmosphere of the scene together! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYVBHOlf9xs&ab_channel=%EB%B6%80%EC%B2%9C%EC%8A%A4%EB%A7%88%ED%8A%B8%EC%8B %9C%ED%8B%B0%EC%B1%8C%EB%A6%B0%EC%A7%80 ☞ Source: Bucheon Smart City Challenge BGM Information Edited With Vlogr https://apple.co/3zGBlWX We' ve been waiting for this collab for months! Tobu from Latvia and Itro from The Netherlands =) ☇ Download this track for FREE: http://goo.gl/oE6FwF ☇ BC House [...]

K Construction 'One Team Korea' only signed 10 MOUs?! Promoting construction projects for relocating railways and new capitals that depend on the future of Indonesia! | Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Won Hee-ryong Special Lecture 11

2023-04-03T14:03:20+09:002022.11.21|VIDEO CHANNEL|

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1b37BOAhFA&ab_channel=%EA%B5%AD%ED%86%A0%EA%B5%90%ED%86%B5%EB%B6%80 사우디아라비아 출장 직후, 무하마드 빈 살만 왕세자의 전격 방한이 있었으며, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport 원희룡 장관은 왕세자의 모든 한국 일정을 ‘영예 수행 장관’으로서 함께했습니다. 약 20여 시간의 짧은 시간이었지만 한국 정부, 기업들과 많은 합의 했으며, 여러 가지 투자와 협력 사업을 약속했습니다. 우리 기업들의 좋은 소식을 기대하며, 후속 작업에 만전을 기하도록 하겠습니다. 그 외에도 해외 건설 수주 및 [...]

finally out! Demonstration of the LX platform for everyone #Digital Twin

2023-04-03T14:04:10+09:002022.11.08|VIDEO CHANNEL|

With the implementation of the #lxrgaming platform, we are once again ahead of the #digital twin era. On October 31st, we will unveil the LX platform demonstration site held in the auditorium on the 2nd floor of the headquarters of LX Korea Land and Geospatial Information Corporation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZlJn8j9lAw&ab_channel=LXTV%EA%B5%AD%ED%86%A0%EC%9D%B8%ED%84%B0%EB%84%B7%EB% B0%A9%EC%86%A1%EA%B5%AD ☞ Source: LXTV National Internet Broadcasting Station

Urban sustainability? A city where traffic accidents can be predicted with real-time road surface information and classification detection! | Coffee Chat Topic XNUMX_Smart City

2023-04-03T14:05:25+09:002022.11.08|VIDEO CHANNEL|

Coffee Chat where Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Won Hee-ryong meets startup CEOs and young people in person to freely share experiences and listen to their stories!☕ ✔The fifth theme of Coffee Chat this time is Smart City! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRRq0v9bLvU&ab_channel=%EA%B5%AD%ED%86%A0%EA%B5%90%ED%86%B5%EB%B6%80 * What is Smart City? ? A key industry to improve the quality of life of citizens and secure the growth engine and sustainability of the city! In this coffee chat meta, Kim Do-hyun, CEO of 'Sesame Lab', which develops and supplies blockchain-based digital door locks and security systems, and [...]

[Smart City Innovative Growth Engine Project] Interview with KT Senior Researcher Kim Ji-woong (Siheung Demonstration Project)

2023-04-03T14:06:12+09:002022.11.07|VIDEO CHANNEL|

1. What is “Smart City”? 2. Are there smart cities in Korea? 3. What are Siheung City demonstrating? 4. Besides systems like data hubs and data marketplaces, what do smart cities need? 5. What will happen to Siheung Smart City in the future? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsz9NRo7RDE&ab_channel=%EC%8B%9C%ED%9D%A5%EC%8B%9C%ED%8B%B0%EB%9E%A9 ☞ Source: Siheung City Lab  

2022 Land Transport Technology Exhibition

2023-04-03T14:07:03+09:002022.10.19|VIDEO CHANNEL|

What future do you envision? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0t5X0Seh6g ✔Seoul and Incheon in 20 minutes? ✔ Will artificial intelligence save the road? ✔ Roads make light? Want to know more? Please find the National Technology Competition! 📍2022 Land Transport Technology Exhibition📍 - November 2022 (Thu) ~ 10 (Fri), 11 - Suwon Convention Center ☞ Source: Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA)

Will the age of Level 3 autonomous vehicles open in December? | Coffee Chat XNUMXth Theme_Mobility Autonomous Driving

2022-10-14T17:40:52+09:002022.10.06|VIDEO CHANNEL|

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR4cbV3SIok&ab_channel=%EA%B5%AD%ED%86%A0%EA%B5%90%ED%86%B5%EB%B6%80 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport 원희룡 장관이 스타트업 대표와 청년들을 직접 만나 자유롭게 경험을 공유하고 이야기를 청취하는 커피챗!☕ ✔이번 커피챗 네 번째 주제는 모빌리티 자율주행! * 자율주행차란? 이동시간 활용성을 극대화하고 교통 사각지대 해소와 교통약자 이동성 증대의 궁극적 해법이 될 기술! 이번 커피챗 메타에서는 국내 최초 도심 자율주행 배송 서비스를 제공하는 ‘토르드라이브'의 계동경 대표와 국내 유일 자율주행 자동차 시뮬레이션 [...]

The 10th International Public Transportation Forum

2022-09-29T17:03:54+09:002022.09.28|VIDEO CHANNEL|

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZMwFf_7M4s&ab_channel=%EA%B5%AD%ED%86%A0%EA%B5%90%ED%86%B5%EB%B6%80 ㅇ 날짜: 2022년 9월 28일~2022년 9월 30일 ㅇ 장소: LG Sciencepark, 서울 / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport 유투브 채널 ㅇ 주제: 제 10차 대중교통 국제포럼 ㅇ 주제 내용: 미래모빌리티 변화를 고려한 대중교통 발전전략 올해로 10번째로 개최되는 대중교통 국제정책포럼은 다양한 분야의 대중교통분야 전문가를 초청하여 향후 국내 대중교통정책으로 추진할 이슈와 아젠다를 발굴하는 자리입니다. 단순히 학술적 차원의 논의가 아닌, 사례 [...]

World Smart City Expo Daejeon City Exhibition Hall LAN Tour with Intellectual Minani!💻

2022-10-04T11:23:57+09:002022.09.20|VIDEO CHANNEL|

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Juh-kKpkNIk 대전광역시의 도시문제를 해결하기 위한 5가지 서비스가 있다? 지식인 미나니가 알려주는 대전 스마트시티 챌린지 5가지 서비스!😆 주차공유, 전기화재 예방, 무인 드론 안전망, 미세먼지 조밀측정망, 클라우드 데이터 허브 서비스까지 모두 알려줍니다!😊 지금 바로 랜선투어를 통해 알아보러 GO~! GO~!💖 ☞ 출처: 스마트시티 대전

(KO) WSCE2022 Openging Ceremony (Opening Ceremony of 2022 World Smart City Expo)

2022-10-04T11:09:16+09:002022.09.19|VIDEO CHANNEL|

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uYldnY7KUc&list=PLADM_Z35n0_ejy3N2V_mlwTi5DYK2--Fd&index=104&t=1114s   WSCE 2022 OFFICIAL EVENT (Day 1) □ Date : Aug. 31 □ Venue : Stage A Main event to announce the start of the WSCE 2022. by inviting major guests, screening of key message theme video, kenote speeche, and special talk, etc. 국·내외 주요 내·외빈을 초청하여 행사의 핵심 메시지를 담은 주제 영상 상영, [...]

Is this the age of mobility? Is there a mobility service app that lets you know same-day/shared/rate parking information?!| Coffee Chat XNUMXrd Theme_Mobility Service

2022-11-04T10:15:52+09:002022.09.16|VIDEO CHANNEL|

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR0TuGAiZVA&list=PLCOXu2D0MP33DTrvvWUm2N9XuSbjKtgyu&index=3&ab_channel=%EA%B5%AD%ED%86%A0%EA%B5%90%ED%86%B5%EB%B6%80 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport 원희룡 장관이 스타트업 대표와 청년들을 직접 만나 자유롭게 경험을 공유하고 이야기를 청취하는 커피챗!☕ ✔이번 커피챗 세 번째화의 주제는 모빌리티 서비스! * 모빌리티 서비스란? 이동을 지원하는 모든 서비스를 뜻함. 일상에서 많이 사용하는 플랫폼 택시, 주차 서비스 등 국민의 일상에 이미 도래 이번 커피챗에서는 승차호출 서비스인 '타다'의 이정행 대표와 온라인 주차 플랫폼의 대표 '모두의 주차장' [...]

What will the future green smart city look like?🌍│Metaverse Smart City Idea Contest Winner

2022-10-04T11:00:55+09:002022.09.11|VIDEO CHANNEL|

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf33zIbbMGw&t=1s 🏠우리가 상상한 스마트시티 - 피플무버 : 사람 없이 자동으로 움직이는 버스로 예측할 수 없는 여러 사고 감소 -빅데이터를 이용한 교통시스템으로 교통체증과 사고 감소 - 친환경 발전소에서 만든 전기 사용으로 매연 감소 - 부족한 에너지를 보완할 저장단지 : 생산된 남은 전기 저장 - 쓰레기 파이프 : 쓰레기가 집마다 연결된 파이프를 통해 쓰레기장으로 이동 - CCTV [...]

What is the ideal smart city? BeLi City | Winner of Smart City Idea Contest using Metaverse

2022-09-15T09:27:36+09:002022.09.10|VIDEO CHANNEL|

🏙 Smart City-BeLi City │2022 World Smart City 'Smart City Idea Using Metaverse' Contest Grand Prize https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8bEW-vN094&ab_channel=%EA%B5%AD%ED%86% A0%EA%B5%90%ED%86%B5%EB%B6%80 Improving sustainability and quality of life through efficient circulation of resources is the key to smart cities, all of which are technologies for people. 🏙 Smart city realization centering on ideas UAM platform: Reduce traffic congestion by using private aircraft Underground roadway: Ground land intensive use, through separation of low-speed and high-speed driving [...]