Smart City Innovation Talent Conference

2022-08-30T17:29:30+09:002022.08.30|VIDEO CHANNEL, debating society|

ㅇ Date: August 8 (Wednesday) ㅇ Time: 31:14~00:17 ㅇ Keyword: Data & Digital Technology ㅇ Topic: The 00rd Smart City Innovative Talent Conference ㅇ Topic content: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Six universities (Pusan ​​National University, Seoul National University, University of Seoul, Sungkyunkwan University, Yonsei University, and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) participating in the Smart City Innovative Talent Fostering Project announced major achievements of the innovative talent nurturing project and smart city project promotion cases. Discussion on the development direction of the future smart city manpower training project through discussions, etc. The conference is a world smart city [...]

Designing Tomorrow – Sejong National Pilot Smart City

2022-08-30T20:28:04+09:002022.08.25|VIDEO CHANNEL, national pilot smart city|

The National Pilot Smart City was implemented to freely demonstrate and graft technologies related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution on sites that do not have a development plan. In addition, it aims to present a leading model for future smart cities by creating an innovative industry ecosystem that can implement creative business models. The Sejong City Smart City National Demonstration City, Sejong City 4-5 Living Zone, is located at the junction of the Miho River and the Geum River, the happy city, and is a beautiful natural environment that [...]

[Smart City, Multifunctional Administrative City] A good city of renewable energy! Happy City Smart Housing and Energy Infrastructure!

2022-08-30T20:31:21+09:002022.08.25|VIDEO CHANNEL|

Find out everything about the smart city, a happy city that the world is paying attention to! [Smart City, Multifunctional Administrative City] Part 3! Let me introduce you to smart residential and energy infrastructure that can only be seen in Happy City! 😉 Starting with Lauren House, which uses renewable energy Let's learn a little more through the video, shall we? ☞ Source: National Agency for Administrative City Construction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgyf7o6eZ-c&ab_channel=%ED%96%89%EC%A0%95%EC%A4%91%EC%8B% AC%EB%B3%B5%ED%95%A9%EB%8F%84%EC%8B%9C%EA%B1%B4%EC%84%A4%EC%B2%AD

[Smart City, Multifunctional Administrative City] Self-driving cars already in use? Happy City Mobility Service!

2022-08-30T20:31:53+09:002022.08.23|VIDEO CHANNEL|

Find out everything about the smart city, a happy city that the world is paying attention to! [Smart City, Multifunctional Administrative City] Part 2! Today, I will tell you about the 'Mobility Service' that will be introduced in the Smart City Happy City!✨ From self-driving cars equipped with AI functions 🚗 to the BRT, an express bus that improves the convenience of citizens by introducing the subway system to bus operation!🚌 Shall we meet right now? ☞ Source: National Agency for Administrative City Construction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF5cHNEyl20&ab_channel=%ED%96%89%EC%A0%95%EC%A4%91%EC%8B%AC% EB%B3%B5%ED%95%A9%EB%8F%84%EC%8B%9C%EA%B1%B4%EC%84%A4%EC%B2%AD

Era of high oil prices – Focus on micro-mobility market [Overseas Market News]

2022-08-30T20:21:05+09:002022.08.22|VIDEO CHANNEL|

The recent sharp rise in oil prices is having a major impact on various industries, businesses and individuals' daily lives. Micro-mobility is said to be gaining popularity in the United States by not emitting environmental pollutants while driving and contributing to resolving vehicle congestion! Learn more in the video below! ☞ Source: KOTRA TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqye4ecn9oo&ab_channel=KOTRATV

A technology that can predict the risk of disasters such as precipitation and flooding range?! What are the stories of young startups who will lead the future industry? | Coffee Chat Second Theme_Digital Twin

2022-11-04T10:11:14+09:002022.08.20|VIDEO CHANNEL|

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpgpK6NAAVs&list=PLCOXu2D0MP33DTrvvWUm2N9XuSbjKtgyu&index=4&ab_channel=%EA%B5%AD%ED%86%A0%EA%B5%90%ED%86%B5%EB%B6%80 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport 원희룡 장관이 스타트업 대표와 청년들을 직접 만나 자유롭게 경험을 공유하고 이야기를 청취하는 커피챗!☕ ✔이번 커피챗 두 번째 화 주제는 디지털트윈! - 현실에서 발생할 수 있는 상황을 컴퓨터로 시물레이션하여 결과를 미리 예측하는 기술. 고품질의 공간정보 구축, 공개 제한 데이터 개방, 창업기업 패키지 지원 등을 추진하고 소통창구를 개설하여 창의적인 새싹 기업이 다양한 아이디어를 자유롭게 실현할 [...]

[Smart City, Multifunctional Administrative City] The first Korean-style smart city service, the Happy City National Pilot Smart City!

2022-08-30T20:32:37+09:002022.08.19|VIDEO CHANNEL|

Find out everything about the smart city, a happy city that the world is paying attention to! [Smart City, Multifunctional Administrative City] Part 1! Today, I would like to talk about 'National pilot smart city'🤗 A city where sustainable development for the future takes place🏢 Among them, the National pilot smart city of the multi-functional administrative city can be said to be an ideal Korean smart city with advanced technology services applied. ✨ Let's meet right now?😆 ☞ Source: National Agency for Administrative City Construction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdayFikF5tg&ab_channel=%ED%96%89%EC%A0%95%EC%A4 %91%EC%8B%AC%EB%B3%B5%ED%95%A9%EB%8F%84%EC%8B%9C%EA%B1%B4%EC%84%A4%EC%B2%AD

We are holding on to fine dust in Daejeon! 😎 Fine dust density measurement network service

2022-08-30T20:26:33+09:002022.08.11|VIDEO CHANNEL|

The Smart City Challenge 'Fine Dust Density Measuring Network Service', a smart city challenge that installs hundreds of sensors throughout the city to measure fine dust information that citizens can feel, Airpoint SI team leader Jang-yeon Lee will give you a detailed overview! ☞ Source: Smart City Daejeon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5fXKQgC7O8&ab_channel=%EC%8A%A4%EB%A7%88%ED%8A%B8%EC%8B%9C%ED%8B %B0%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84

The end of human settlement: a digital twin-based metaverse | Daejong Kim, Head of Geospatial Information Society Research Division

2022-08-30T20:26:00+09:002022.07.23|VIDEO CHANNEL, 교육|

This is an edited video of Kim Dae-jong, head of the Geospatial Information Society Research Division, presented on the theme of the 271st 'Terminal Station of Human Settlement: Digital Twin-Based Metaverse' of the Policy Academy operated by the Sejong Special Self-Governing City Human Resources Development Institute for Lifelong Education. ㅇ Production: National Territory TV Production Department, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements ㅇ Research Institute website: http://www.krihs.re.kr/ ㅇ Research Institute for Human Settlements Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KoreaResearchInstituteforHumanSettlements/ Lifelong Education Promotion Agency website: https://www.sjhle.or.kr/ ☞ Source: National TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw3Vr8daHnU&ab_channel=%EA%B5%AD%ED%86%A0TV

Future Smart City at a Glance World Smart City Expo will be held from the 31st

2022-08-30T20:19:55+09:002022.07.21|VIDEO CHANNEL, promotional video|

The 2022 World Smart City Expo hosted by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, Ministry of Science and ICT and hosted by LH, K-water, and KINTEX will be held at KINTEX, Ilsan from August 8.31 (Wed) to September 9.02 (Fri). no see. Check out the smart city we live in and the future city at the 2022 World Smart City Expo! Thank you for your interest. ☞ Source: World Smart City Expo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUQGeDAqpGk&ab_channel=%EC%9B%94%EB%93%9C%EC%8A%A4%EB%A7%88%ED% 8A%B8%EC%8B%9C%ED%8B%B0%EC%97%91%EC%8A%A4%ED%8F%AC

Smart fire prevention! Daejeon Smart City Challenge

2022-08-30T20:27:06+09:002022.07.12|VIDEO CHANNEL|

Electricity makes our lives more convenient!⚡ However, excessive use and carelessness of electricity can also cause great disaster and misfortune.🙀 Is there any way to prevent electric fires? Smart City Daejeon has an electric fire prevention service! Let's find out what kind of service it is! 🙌 ☞ Source: Smart City Daejeon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E20qiOkL8s&ab_channel=%EC%8A%A4%EB%A7%88%ED%8A%B8%EC%8B%9C%ED% 8B%B0%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84

2022 Korea Drone · UAM Expo | 22.07.15.(Fri) -16.(Sat) Gocheok Sky Dome

2022-07-04T10:14:44+09:002022.07.01|VIDEO CHANNEL|

https://youtu.be/Htoq-1q0GYA 2022년 대한민국 드론·UAM 박람회가 7월 15일부터 2일간 서울 고척 스카이돔에서 열립니다. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport에서 주최하고 항공안전기술원, 한국국토정보공사, 한국교통안전공단의 공동주관으로 개최되는 「2022 대한민국 드론·UAM 박람회」https://youtu.be/Htoq-1q0GYA 많은 관심 부탁드립니다! 📌2022 대한민국 드론 ·UAM 박람회 - 일시 : 2022년 7월 15일(금) - 16일(토) - 장소 : 서울 고척 스카이돔 - 전시관 : 드론 ·UAM관 /국방 무인체계관 /드론 체험관 / 드론 [...]

Hee-ryong Won, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport invited for a public discussion session!

2022-07-04T10:31:12+09:002022.06.29|VIDEO CHANNEL|

https://youtu.be/CLp3xMIhqzU 이전 정부에서 징벌적 세제와 내 집 마련조차 막는 금융 규제를 통해 주택 수요를 억제하려고 했던 부분을 고려하여 부동산 세금은 조세 정의에 맞게, 금융 규제는 본연의 역할에 충실하도록 모든 규제를 정상화 하겠습니다. 국토 · 도시 · 주거 공간의 이용과 이동의 효율성을 극대화 하여 어디에 살든 공정한 기회를 누릴 수 있도록 국가 경제와 국민의 삶의 질 향상에 [...]

[Contest Promotion Video] Dreaming of the future city, let's imagine it to our heart's content in the metaverse!

2022-06-28T16:19:04+09:002022.06.28|VIDEO CHANNEL|

https://youtu.be/PQRIsf4cLtw 메타버스를 활용한 스마트시티 아이디어 공모전을 진행합니다! 스마트시티에 관심있는 전 국민 누구나 참여가능합니다! ㅇ 접수기간 : '22.6.27(월)~'22.8.15(월) ㅇ 문의처 : 070-4616-5608 / smartcityideacontest@gmail.com / 카카오톡(@smartcityidea) / 제페토(smartcity.kaia) / 로블록스(smartcityideacontest) ☞ 공모전 자세히 보기